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[LCMSNews] President to appoint task force

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Date Thu, 14 Apr 2005 17:47:04 -0500


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April 14, 2005 .................... LCMSNews -- No. 26

President to appoint task force on structure, governance

In a March 1 letter to pastors of the Synod, LCMS President
Gerald B. Kieschnick announced plans to appoint a "Blue Ribbon Task
Force on Synodical Structure and Governance." The task force is to
report its findings and recommendations to the 2007 Synod convention.

Kieschnick said he envisions a "broad and comprehensive" charge
to the task force, "focused on relationships, representation,
accountability, responsibility, and authority."

He said one reason for appointing the task force is his
experience with numerous layers of responsibility and accountability
that have evolved over the Synod's history. He said that in the Synod
there is some confusion and disagreement about what the Synod is, what
it does, and how it functions.

In his letter, the president expressed concern that internal
disagreements weaken the witness to "the oneness that is ours in
Christ." He wrote: "One matter causing contention during and following
the 2004 convention relates to the limits of authority of the Synod's
Board of Directors."

Kieschnick's letter noted that Amendment A -- the proposed
amendment to the Synod Constitution regarding the authority of the Board
of Directors -- failed to receive the two-thirds majority necessary for
ratification. Because both supporters and opponents of the amendment
sought to influence the voting process, the president wrote, "Pastors
and people reported to the district presidents confusion, consternation
and uncertainty regarding the issues at stake and how best their
congregations might respond. The people are not at peace in their

Kieschnick observed that 56 percent of the Synod's congregations
voted on Amendment A. While 52 percent voted to affirm it, a 66 percent
approval was required.

He noted that the convention did approve amendments to the
Synod's Articles of Incorporation and bylaws with regard to the Board of
Directors' authority. Among these changes was insertion of language in
Bylaw 1.04 c that limits the board's authority "to the extent management
authority and duties have been delegated by the Constitution, Articles
of Incorporation, bylaws or resolutions of a synodical convention to
other officers and agencies of the Synod or to separate corporate or
trust entities."

Kieschnick also observed that the Commission on Constitutional
Matters (CCM) opined in October that failure to ratify the amendment
"would not affect the implementation or validity of any other
resolutions or changes to the bylaws passed at the 2004 convention." The
Board of Directors has asked the CCM to review this opinion.

In its resolution adopting the bylaw changes, the convention
also directed the president and Board of Directors to appoint a
committee to address officer and board responsibilities and report to
the 2007 convention. The board has proposed the committee include the
president, first vice president, secretary, treasurer, and chief
administrative officer. In addition, it will include two board members,
two district presidents and two executive directors of boards and
commissions -- one of each appointed by the board and the president.

The board chose board member Walter Tesch; Rev. Ron Garwood,
president of the Wyoming District; and Rev. Matthew Harrison, executive
director of LCMS World Relief/Human Care. Kieschnick has chosen board
member Dr. Jean Garton; Dr. William Meyer, executive director of the
Board for University Education; and Dr. Lane Seitz, president of the
Minnesota South District.

"Because this committee is narrowly focused and there are so
many governmental, structural issues that do not enhance and sometimes
frustrate the objectives of the Synod, I chose to appoint the Blue
Ribbon Task Force to study the issue more broadly and comprehensively,"
Kieschnick said.

"People have different opinions on how the Synod should
operate," he said. "My interest is that, to the greatest extent
possible, the mission of the Synod, under God's grace, in accord with
Scripture and the Confessions, ought to be enhanced."


If you have questions or comments about this LCMSNews release,
contact Joe Isenhower Jr. at or (314) 996-1231,
or Paula Schlueter Ross at or (314) 996-1230.


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