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[UCC NEWS] United Church of Christ Announces $1 Million Goal for
Thu, 1 Sep 2005 18:47:57 -0400
United Church of Christ
United Church News
The Rev. J. Bennett Guess, news director
A goal to raise at least $1 million from UCC members and supporters was
announced today (Sept.1) to collect much-needed funds for relief and
rehabilitation following the devastating wreckage and havoc caused by
Hurricane Katrina.
The benchmark was announced in a letter to be distributed to congregations
and members from Susan M. Sanders, the UCC?s minister for the global
sharing of resources.
"We are facing an unprecedented catastrophe," Sanders said. "In a 'normal'
disaster, we would be well into the relief operation by now. Instead, we
are still in a search and rescue mode which is complicated by security
concerns. New Orleans is now being evacuated, and some 80% of the city is
flooded. The Gulf Coast area of Mississippi has simply been obliterated."
Already, donations from UCC congregations, members and supporters are
pouring in from across the country and beyond, according to the Rev. Craig
Hoffman of the UCC?s financial development ministry in Cleveland.
Within the past 48 hours, nearly $30,000 in contributions had been received
online, said Hoffman, who is working extended hours to download and process
the large number of web-based gifts.
"For many of our donors online giving has become the preferred method of
supporting relief efforts as quickly as possible," Hoffman said. "We've
seen a remarkable response of caring and generosity in both the number and
dollar amounts of gifts received online - and the magnitude of Katrina's
devastation is still being realized."
Also, on Sept. 1, the United Church of Christ was one of a handful of
organizations singled out by Cleveland?s Plain Dealer newspaper as an
appropriate source for area residents to channel relief dollars. The
newspaper pointed its readers to the UCC?s online fundraising efforts.
Just after Hurricane Katrina blew across Louisiana and Mississippi, the UCC
made an initial gift of $25,000 to Church World Service from funds
collected this past March during the denomination?s annual One Great Hour
of Sharing special mission offering. However, that amount is only a tiny
beginning with respect to how the UCC?s members and congregations will
respond in the coming hours, days and weeks, Sanders said.
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