From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Orthodox Church in America Appeal Hurricane Katrina Victims
Worldwide Faith News <>
Fri, 02 Sep 2005 10:20:07 -0700
PO Box 675
Syosset, New York 11791-0675
Contact: The Very Rev. John Matusiak
OCA Communications Director
630-668-3071 or
SYOSSET, NY [OCA Communications] -- In a letter dated August 31, 2005,
Metropolitan Herman, Primate of the Orthodox Church in America, appealed to
the Church's faithful to "give sacrificially" to help the many individuals
and families in Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama devastated by Hurricane
In order to maximize relief efforts, Metropolitan Herman asks that the
faithful send their donations directly to the Baltimore-based International
Orthodox Christian Charities, which has already dispatched teams to the
affected region.
Contributions may be sent to the IOCC "Hurricane Relief," PO Box 630225,
Baltimore, Maryland, 21263-0225, or by calling IOCC's toll-free donation
hotline (877-803-4622). On the memo line of your checks, please make the
notation "Hurricane Relief/OCA."
The complete text of Metropolitan Herman's appeal follows below and appears
on the OCA web site at
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
Several days ago, as we awaited the arrival of Hurricane Katrina, we called
upon the faithful to pray that those in the direct line of the storm would
be spared. Initial reports indicated that the hurricane's devastation had
perhaps been less than anticipated, especially as the eye of the storm
bypassed the city of New Orleans. Within 48 hours, however, it became
evident that the Mississippi and Alabama coasts had borne the brunt of the
storm, that New Orleans had experienced massive damage as a result of
broken levees and rising water levels, and that severe - and in some cases
total - destruction of property had become widespread throughout the region.
Of utmost concern, however, is the well-being of those who have suffered,
and continue to suffer, in ways hard to imagine. Hundreds of thousands of
people, many of them among the nation's poorest, have lost everything -
their homes, their possessions, their access to food and water and life's
basic essentials, and in a growing number of instances, their loved
ones. Countless others still wait to be rescued, hoping to avoid the fate
of those who perished because they lacked the means to evacuate their homes
or because they simply had nowhere to go. The most recent reports project
that hundreds, if not thousands, have lost their lives, even as the hopes
of those who escaped the worst rapidly diminishes.
While Hurricane Katrina itself was nothing less than catastrophic, its
aftermath and its effect on the lives of so many is nothing short of
horrible. How, many ask, are those most affected by the storm and its
aftermath to find the comfort of God? To whom can they turn in their hour
of need?
My dear brothers and sisters: We are now being called upon to provide the
hope, comfort, and love of God. As God's People, we are being challenged
to offer our prayers and to share our treasures with those who have lost
everything. To the extent that we render thanks to God for sparing us from
this tragedy - and for sparing our parishes in the region from serious
damage - we also are being called upon to share with those who must rely on
our generosity, and the generosity of all people of faith, in an effort to
rebuild not only their homes, but most importantly, their lives.
In response to the challenge to serve others, especially the least of the
brethren, I call upon our faithful, our parishes, our deaneries, and our
dioceses to make yet another sacrifice for others by contributing to the
Hurricane Disaster Response Fund that has been established by International
Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC). It is hoped that all parish
communities will take a special collection in the immediate future. Your
generous expressions of concern and hope will be channeled through IOCC,
which has already dispatched teams to the most affected areas and has the
means to maximize your donations and expressions of concern.
I pray that you will join me in offering a ray of hope to those who have
experienced unimaginable suffering and loss, and who are likely to continue
to experience personally the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina for months and
years to come. Anticipating your generous response, I thank you, and I ask
that God bless you abundantly, to the extent that you share your blessings
with those in need.
With love in Christ,
Archbishop of Washington and New York
Metropolitan of All America and Canada
--- END ---
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