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Church World Service assists survivors of Hurricane Katrina
Worldwide Faith News <>
Sun, 04 Sep 2005 13:42:24 -0700
HOTLINE - week of September 05, 2005
* CWS assists survivors of Hurricane Katrina devastation
Hurricane Katrina
"People are homeless and will have to start new lives, and the faith
community has to be a partner with them," says Rev. John L. McCullough,
Church World Service Executive Director and CEO.
McCullough is in hurricane ravaged Louisiana through Saturday, Sept. 3,
meeting with religious leaders and others and making plans for long-term
recovery efforts. McCullough and the other religious leaders say
cooperation among different faith groups must be an imperative in the
response to Hurricane Katrina, enabling the most effective assistance to
"This is not just an urban story; it's a rural story," says McCullough
during a meeting that was attended by members and pastors of independent
churches in Louisiana, as well as representatives of the Presbyterian
Church (USA), United Methodist Committee on Relief, and the Christian
Church (Disciples of Christ).
"In the midst of all the chaos of the last few days," says Donna Derr, CWS
Associate for Emergency Response, "I have found uplifting the many messages
of prayers and support received from overseas partners as they learn of the
devastation wrought by Hurricane Katrina.
"In particular, I was informed that our CWS staff and partners in Pakistan
have collected a little more than $1,000 for the CWS Hurricane Katrina
response appeal, and have set a goal of raising $2,000. The Pakistan staff
noted, 'So often those of you in the north have come to the aid of those of
us in the south. We are glad that today, those of us in the south can offer
you support and solidarity in your time of need.'"
CWS has provided an initial 5,000 "Gift of the Heart" Health Kits and 5,000
CWS Blankets for distribution to affected families in the New Orleans area;
135 Health Kits and 100 Blankets to Houston Interfaith Ministries for
distribution to 200 displaced people in Victoria, TX; 1,500 Blankets to
Terrebonne Readiness and Assistance Coalition, for distribution at local
shelters housing thousands of displaced people in southern Louisiana; and
540 Health Kits for distribution to disaster survivors who fled to West
Memphis, Arkansas.
CWS is also coordinating shipment of 20 Interchurch Medical Assistance
medicine boxes to Louisiana. The boxes contain essential medicines and
antibiotics to treat some 20,000 people for up to three months.
CWS anticipates that as many as 20 local emergency response groups may be
organized to carry out long-term in Louisiana, Mississippi, northwest
Alabama, Tennessee, and Kentucky, with CWS assistance.
The best way to help survivors of Hurricane Katrina is cash donations to
Church World Service or another responding organization. CWS is urgently
seeking additional funds to assist families devastated by Hurricane Katrina.
CWS is not seeking volunteers at this time. Those interested in
volunteering should contact their local Red Cross chapter. Several
denominations are also registering volunteers online. Potential volunteers
may register with Presbyterian Disaster Assistance at and Adventist Community Services at
Those who would like to host an uprooted family in your home or church may
register online at
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