From the Worldwide Faith News archives
[PCUSANEWS] Correction (of #05446)
Wed, 7 Sep 2005 14:22:28 -0500
Note #8889 from PCUSA NEWS to PRESBYNEWS:
Sept. 7, 2005
A recent Presbyterian News Service story about the report of the
Theological Task Force on the Peace, Unity and Purity of the Church - #05446,
headlined, "Force wraps up largely thankless task: What the proposed
'authoritative interpretation' would and wouldn't do" - contained two errors.
1. Where the story originally said:
"Examining committees could not take refuge in a 'don't ask, don't
tell' policy, simply declining to question candidates about sexual practice
(reportedly the de facto practice in some presbyteries); the AI would require
them to probe into every officer-elect's sexual ethics and practices, without
It should have said (and now does say):
"It would allow - but not require - ordaining bodies to approve
candidates who express 'scruples' about the theology that underlies
G-6.0106b. Previous PJC decisions as to whether a committee may or should
explore a candidate's sexual practices would still apply."
2. Where it originally said:
"There is no provision of Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) polity that
sanctions 'marriage' rites involving same-sex partners or permits PC(USA)
ministers to bless such unions or characterize them as 'marriage.'"
It now reads:
"There is no provision of Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) polity that
sanctions 'marriage' rites involving same-sex partners or permits PC(USA)
ministers to bless such unions if they are characterized as 'marriage.'"
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