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[LCMSNews] 'Ossie' Hoffmann seriously ill
"LCMS e-News" <>
Wed, 7 Sep 2005 18:44:17 -0500
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Sept. 7, 2005 .................... LCMSNews -- No. 61
Oswald Hoffmann seriously ill
Dr. Oswald C.J. Hoffmann, honorary speaker of radio's "The
Lutheran Hour," is in critical condition at a St. Louis-area hospital,
according to Lutheran Hour Ministries (LHM).
"Dr. Hoffmann has been in and out of the hospital the last few
weeks and his health condition is considered serious," reads a Sept. 6
LHM news release.
LHM Executive Director Greg Lewis is asking for prayers for "Dr.
Hoffmann, his family members, and his caregivers."
"We pray for God's will to be done," Lewis said.
Lewis described Hoffmann, known as "Ossie," as a "Sunday morning
institution" who touched "millions of people's lives worldwide through
his powerful, Spirit-filled radio sermons." Hoffmann, 91, was the voice
of "The Lutheran Hour" for 33 years, from 1955 to 1988.
In the 17 years since his retirement as speaker of "The Lutheran
Hour," Hoffmann made many public appearances, traveled throughout the
world on behalf of the ministry, and corresponded with many people,
including listeners of the radio program. He recently had retired from
his duties as honorary speaker.
In his latest public appearance, Hoffmann addressed the 88th
international convention of the International Lutheran Laymen's League,
held July 28-30 in Topeka, Kan., taking part in an event kicking off a
yearlong celebration of the 75th anniversary of "The Lutheran Hour."
"'The Lutheran Hour' has a mission, a mission to bring the Good
News of our Lord Jesus Christ in a language people can understand,"
Hoffmann told convention-goers. "I didn't do anything special. I just
told the Good News. I'm still willing to do that. I look back with great
thanksgiving -- for myself and for all of the other people who
benefitted from the Good News of the Gospel."
If you have questions or comments about this LCMSNews release,
contact Joe Isenhower Jr. at or (314) 996-1231,
or Paula Schlueter Ross at or (314) 996-1230.
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