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ABCUSA: Hilsher, Sudermann Begin New VIGM Posts
"SCHRAMM, Richard" <>
Thu, 8 Sep 2005 15:26:18 -0400
American Baptist News Service (Valley Forge, Pa. 9/8/05)--Jonathan
Hilsher and Angela Sudermann have begun respectively as coordinator and
associate coordinator of International Ministries' Volunteers in Global
Mission (VIGM).
The appointments, announced last week by the Rev. Charles Jones, acting
executive director of International Ministries (IM), were effective
Sept. 1.
Hilsher has been on the IM staff in VIGM since 2001, most recently as
the associate coordinator. He worked closely with former coordinator
Mike Buckles, who stepped down at the end of August to return to his
family business. Sudermann has worked for IM since late 2000 as special
events assistant in the Mission Education, Communication, and Events
"We are delighted that we were able identify two exceptional people
within our own ranks to maintain our commitment to volunteer
participation in mission service," said Jones. "Jonathan and Angela
bring a wealth of insider knowledge and experience that will prove
beneficial in our work with volunteers who go global through
International Ministries."
VIGM serves as a program resource to all American Baptist churches
seeking to be engaged in mission around the world. It serves
missionaries and international partners by locating volunteers and
mission teams willing to meet a given need. The support VIGM provides to
ABCUSA churches, regions and institutions which send volunteers includes
assistance to obtain free travel insurance, information on destination
countries, travel documents, travel immunizations and more. VIGM also
offers ready-made, short-term mission opportunities, such as Xtreme
Teams and Discovery Teams.
American Baptist News Service: Office of Communication, American Baptist
Churches USA, P.O. Box 851, Valley Forge, PA 19482-0851; (800)ABC-3USA
x2077 / (610)768-2077; fax: (610)768-2320;;
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