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Edgar Urges Churches To Observe Public Lands Day on Sept. 24
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Tue, 20 Sep 2005 08:30:00 -0400
CONTACT: Phil Jenks, (212) 870-2252
or Leslie Tune, (202) 297-2191
NCC General Secretary Urges Churches To Observe National Public Lands Day
with Service and Action
Washington, D.C., September 20, 2005--The following letter to the editor is
sent to newspapers and other media outlets by National Council of Churches
General Secretary Rev. Dr. Bob Edgar to encourage churches and individuals to
observe National Public Lands Day on Saturday, Sept. 24.
Dear Editor:
This Saturday, September 24, marks a day of importance for our nation,
although one not marked on many Americans' calendars: National Public Lands
Day. Each fall thousands of volunteers and several government agencies join
together for a day of caring for and enhancing public lands. This year, the
National Council of Churches Eco-Justice Program is encouraging churches and
individuals across the country to join the effort as an act of faith rooted
in scripture. In the Book of Leviticus, God directs the Israelites to care
for the land: "The land shall not be sold in perpetuity, for the land is
mine; with me you are but aliens and tenants. Throughout the land that you
hold, you shall provide for the redemption of the land." (Lev. 25:23-24,
Wilderness and wild landscapes are deeply woven into Christianity and many
other faith traditions. They were central to the spiritual journeys of Moses,
Jesus, and Muhammad and in the creation stories of many cultures. Today,
public lands are important to many of us as a venue for peaceful reflection
and reconnecting with the Creator. They also embody ideals important to many
faith traditions: equitable sharing of resources, consideration of the common
good, and stewardship of God's creation.
Whether we view public lands from a faith perspective or not, they are, in
the words of author Wallace Stegner, "part of the geography of hope" for our
nation. National parks, wildlife refuges, and wilderness and conservation
areas offer us a unique opportunity to celebrate and protect the lands God
has entrusted to us. Amid cities and highways, public lands serve to connect
natural ecosystems - offering sanctuary for humans and wildlife and leaving
space for natural cycles.
National Public Lands Day is an opportunity to celebrate the special places
we have set aside for our common future. But it is also a day to examine the
threats faced by remaining wild places, including overzealous energy
development; irresponsible grazing practices; over-cutting of timber; urban
sprawl; and careless off-road vehicle use. These are not distant, abstract
dangers, but real threats evident in recent news stories and government
actions. Examples abound:
- The repeal in May of the federal rule protecting roadless areas in
national forests, which spurred lawsuits by New Mexico, Oregon, and
- The flood of permits issued by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM)
for natural gas drilling on public lands - so many that they're outstripping
the industry's supply of labor and equipment;
- Provisions in the recently passed Energy Policy Act exempting
construction activities related to energy development on public lands from
the Clean Water and Safe Drinking Water Acts; and,
- The leak of an Interior Department proposal to abandon preservation
as the "primary mission" of the National Park System and allow more off-road
vehicles, weakened air and water quality standards, and increased commercial
activity in parks.
This year on National Public Lands Day, let us roll up our sleeves and join
in service and thanksgiving for public lands. But let us also pause to
reflect on the shared duty of all citizens to care for these special places -
and to call on our elected officials to ensure that public lands are
Rev. Bob Edgar
General Secretary
National Council of Churches
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