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[PCUSANEWS] Protestant churches embracing technology, survey finds
Mon, 19 Sep 2005 15:58:40 -0500
Note #8910 from PCUSA NEWS to PRESBYNEWS:
Sept. 19, 2005
Protestant churches embracing
new technologies, survey finds
by Adelle M. Banks
Religion News Service
NEW YORK - Protestants churches are increasingly using technology in their
sanctuaries and offices, a new poll has found.
The Barna Group is reporting "serious double-digit growth" in the use
of Web sites, large-screen projection systems and email communications by
Protestant churches.
The researchers, based in Ventura, CA, found that nearly 60 percent
of Protestant churches have Web sites ¾ a sharp increase since 2000, when
just one-third had them.
The survey found that 62 percent of the churches are using
large-screen projection systems, up from 39 percent five years ago; and 61
percent use video segments in worship, more than double the rate in 2000.
Two other forms of technology - electronic funds transfer and
satellite dishes - are not used as often. Electronic fund transfers were
reported in 12 percent of churches in 2005, compared to 7 percent five years
ago; and just 8 percent receive communications via satellite broadcast, a 1
percent increase.
Researchers said the introduction of big screens to sanctuaries could
be making physical Biblical texts obsolete. The number of churches that
provide "pew Bibles" has dropped from 86 percent in 2000 to 80 percent today.
Increasingly, big screens are used to show Bible verses during services.
George Barna, the leader of the Barna Group, which has a division
that provides video clips to churches, said he anticipates more such
technological changes in the future.
"During the next half of the decade, we expect increased broadbrand
access, pod-casting, and ubiquitous adoption of hand-held mobile computing
devices by consumers to further alter the way churches conduct ministry," he
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