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NCC Introduces International Peace Curriculum
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Thu, 22 Sep 2005 23:59:00 -0400
What is the Christian role in bringing 'Peace to the World'?
NCC Introduces Curriculum on International Relations
For the Peace of the World: A Christian Curriculum on International
$7.95 (+ $4.50 s/h)
Friendship Press, 7820 Reading Road, Cincinnati, OH 45237
800-889-5733, or e-mail
Please embargo until September 26, 2005.
New York, September 26, 2005 -- No one disputes that the most powerful nation
on earth is the United States of America. But does the USA use its awesome
power to pursue peace, justice, food, shelter and safety for all? And if not,
what is role of U.S. Christians in bringing moral clarity to U.S.
interactions with its global neighbors?
These and other urgent questions are the focus of "For the Peace of the
World: A Christian Curriculum on International Relations" released today
September 26) by the National Council of Churches USA.
The 87-page book, edited by Dr. Antonios Kireopoulos, Associate General
Secretary of the NCC for International Affairs, examines the issue with
in-depth essays and Bible studies, and includes prayers, litanies and other
worship resources for use in congregational settings. The curriculum
challenges Christians from all traditions to do what writer Dr. Peggy L.
Shriver calls "soul-sized thinking about world affairs."
Among the questions that Christians need to ask, Shriver writes in the
introduction, are these: "Does our strength reside chiefly in military power,
economic power, cherished values, cultural expansion -- or a mix, in what
order? Is 'peace with justice' naive? A Cliche? An essential for survival?"
The post 9/11 world has changed America's self-image and its image around the
world, Kireopoulos writes.
"This situation has caused Christian leaders ... to ask questions about where
we are going as a nation," Kireopoulos says. "Have we allowed fear to
manipulate us? What is the role of our country as a global citizen? What does
our Christian faith teach us about individual and collective actions in the
The NCC's Friendship Press, Cincinnati, Ohio, distributes the curriculum,
crafted for religious education classes, discussion groups, book groups and
individuals. It can be ordered by calling 800-889-5733.
The curriculum offers six study sessions on the following topics: Is America
Number One?; Fear, Security and Love; Is America God's Favorite Nation?;
Poverty in a Rich World; Self-Interest and World Citizenship; and Preventing
War With Peace.
An essay on the biblical foundations for international policy by the Rev. Dr.
Clifton Kirkpatrick and the Rev. Dr. William H. Hopper, Jr., examines God's
plan for the world from creation to the prophets of the Hebrew Scriptures to
the declarations of Jesus. Dr. Janice Love has contributed an essay on
Other appendices include practical suggestions for what citizens can do to
make a difference in the world, a treasure trove of Internet links and
worship resources on peace written from Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Anglican,
Peace Church, Historic Black Church and mainline traditions.
The advisory committee that guided the development of the curriculum also
comes from a wide range of worldwide Christian traditions. The committee
members are: Bishop Mvume Dandala, General Secretary, All Africa Council of
Churches; Dr. Karen Hamilton, General Secretary, Canadian Council of
Churches; the Rev. Thelma Chambers-Young, Progressive National Baptist
Convention, Inc.; the Rev. Peg Chemberlin, Executive Director of the
Minnesota Council of Churches; the Rev. Dr. Christopher Hobgood, former
General Minister and President of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ);
and the Rev. Clifton Kirkpatrick, Stated Clerk, Presbyterian Church (USA).
Also, Dr. Janice Love, Chief Executive of the Women's Division, United
Methodist Church; the Rev. Dr. Frank Marangos, Director of the Religious
Education Department, Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America; Mr. Bishoy
Mikhail, Ecumenical Officer of the Coptic Orthodox Church in North America;
Dr. Elizabeth Prodromou, Associate Director of the Institute of Culture,
Religion and World Affairs, Boston University; Dr. Jane Smith, Co-Director of
the Duncan Black MacDonald Center for the Study of Islam and Christian-Muslim
Relations, Hartford Seminary; Ms. Rahashry Waghray, Director of the Education
and Advocacy Program, Church World Service; and the Rev. Dr. Barbara Brown
Zikmund, Past President of Hartford Theological Seminary.
"This curriculum is truly exciting," notes James Winkler, General Secretary
of the United Methodist General Board for Church and Society. "I hope and
pray that many thousands of our local churches will make use of this solidly
biblically-based material. The authors are top-notch outstanding experts.
This curriculum will help Christians as we seek to live holy lives in a
confusing and troubled world."
The National Council of Churches is composed of Protestant, Anglican,
Orthodox, historic African American and peace communions representing 45
million Christians in 100,000 local congregations in the United States.
Contact NCC News: Philip E. Jenks, 212-870-2252, Shirley Struchen,
212-870-2574, and Leslie Tune, 202-544-2350.
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