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[PCUSANEWS] PHS facility at Montreat will be closed
Fri, 23 Sep 2005 15:46:11 -0500
Note #8924 from PCUSA NEWS to PRESBYNEWS:
Sept. 23, 2005
PHS facility at Montreat will be closed
Columbia Seminary asked to create
on-campus center for study of Presbyterian history
by Jerry L. Van Marter
SACRAMENTO - The Presbyterian Historical Society (PHS) will close its
facility at the Montreat Conference Center in North Carolina on Dec. 31,
The Committee on the Office of the General Assembly (COGA) voted on
Thursday to close the Montreat office and suggested moving archival resources
now housed there to a proposed new center for the Study of Presbyterian and
Reformed History and Theology at Columbia Theological Seminary in Decatur,
As part of its strategic planning for the PHS, COGA asked seminary
officials to establish the program and provide on-campus space for it.
A proposal to create such a study center at Montreat was scrapped
after a feasibility study concluded that there was not sufficient financial
support for it.
Because of concerns about funding, duplication of work and the need
to coordinate a historical program for the whole church, COGA also declined a
proposal from Friends of the Historical Foundation at Montreat Inc., for a
center based at Montreat.
Rick Ufford-Chase, moderator of the General Assembly, said: "COGA has
been wrestling with these difficult decisions for five years. Even as we make
what we judge to be the best decision possible, we mourn the loss of this
important legacy at Montreat."
The PHS headquarters is in Philadelphia.
COGA asked for a review of all materials housed in Montreat so that
it could decide which would be moved to Philadelphia and which would go to
the Columbia center - if it were established. Some items might be kept for
display at Montreat. Materials not owned by the PHS would be returned to the
owners or relocated in keeping with their wishes.
Establishing the study center at Columbia would demonstrate "COGA's
commitment to both helping to make the church's archival history come alive
for Presbyterians, and insuring a strong and effective historical society for
the 21st century," said COGA Moderator Steve Grace.
In related actions, COGA created a plan to help current PHS staff at
Montreat as they transfer or end their employment with the historical
society, and a procedure to ensure compliance with donor intent regarding
endowment and restricted funds designated for the PHS facility at Montreat.
The Rev. Clifton Kirkpatrick, stated clerk of the General Assembly,
said: "I know this will be difficult for many who dearly love Montreat, but I
do believe the arrangements we are making will better serve the goals of
preserving and sharing the heritage of this church, and will do it in a way
that is fiscally responsible."
Sharon K. Youngs, communications coordinator for the Office of the General
Assembly, contributed to this story.
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