From the Worldwide Faith News archives
"Women as Peacemakers". This gathering, the third of a series, was
mecc <>
Tue, 04 Oct 2005 00:50:49 +0200
"You are the Light of the World" was the theme of an important ecumenical
gathering organized by the MECC Women¹s Program, under the general umbrella
held in the Greek Orthodox St. Nicholas Cathedral in Ballouneh, Lebanon, on
September 10, 2005. Around 130 women attended and lived that day sharing
reflections and discussions around the theme, a bible study delivered by the
MECC General Secretary Mr. Guirgis Saleh on prophetess Anna from the Gospel
of St. Luke and a presentation by the Abbess of the St. John Monastery in
Douma, on the gathering theme, focusing on the notion of Passions.
The next gathering is scheduled to take place on October 29, 2005, at the
National Evangelical Church of Beirut.
For more information, kindly contact program coordinator Ms. Maha Wehbe at:
Middle East Council of Churches
Office of International Ecumenical Relations
P.O. Box 5376, Beirut, Lebanon
Guirgis Ibrahim Saleh, General Secretary or
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