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MECC News and Concerns from Gaza

From mecc <>
Date Tue, 04 Oct 2005 00:57:50 +0200

MECC/DSPR Gaza Area Secretary, Constantine Dabbagh shares with us news and
concerns about the Israeli evacuation from the Gaza Strip. Constantine
notes the people¹s joy after 38 years of "awful and terrible occupation".
"This unilateral disengagement plan has succeeded in creating euphoria
within the International Community with the claims that the Gaza Strip will
come under the control of the Palestinian National Authority". What has
really happened is "merely a redeployment of the Israeli forces imposing
total siege and control of airspace, sea and borders. The Rafah
International Crossing point with Egypt is blocked preventing passengers
from returning home and others from departing for a variety of reasons,
including medical treatment, studies, business and others" says Costa,
"including myself who could not travel to attend several meetings. We are
still in a big prison". However, communication within the area has improved.
Centers located in the southern parts, namely Qararah and Rafah, are more
accessible now. "Trainees and staff are able to reach their destinations
without fear. All other health and educational activities organized in
Gaza, including the ACT emergency relief assistance continue without

The benefits of redeployment are the removal of the check- points. These
used to cut the Gaza Strip into several strips, causing harassment and
difficulties to all. "The dismantling of the 21 colonies was no easy task,
creating further harassment. These were built on expropriated Palestinian
property (approximately 40% of the Gaza Strip) accommodating around 8,000
foreigners who exploited our land and water resources which are dire".

Highlighting the high poverty and unemployment rates in Gaza, respectively
estimated to 75% and 65%, Costa expresses the population¹s wish that this
step be part of a larger plan to end the occupation of Palestinian
territories (1967), and to pave the road for a just and comprehensive
settlement for the development and welfare of the population.

"The demolishing of houses of 'poor' settlers caused tears. Their homes were
built on Palestinian lands, the owners of which were uprooted and are still
displaced in various districts, living under deplorable conditions, while
settlers were offered favorable compensations, enabling them to move to new
housing projects. Unfortunately, a good number of them were transferred to
live within the colonies built in occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem
where Israel is expediting the completion of the apartheid wall and
expanding colonies. This is basically to incorporate all of Jerusalem into
Israel, and to keep Palestinians in isolated and well-controlled enclaves,
preventing the establishment of any 'viable' independent Palestinian State.
This is fueling feeling of hopelessness and persistent anger among
Palestinians and, unfortunately, destroying chances for a just peace, for
forgiveness and reconciliation".

"Tens of thousands of our people went out to the streets to celebrate the
evacuation of the Israeli army and the dismantling of colonies. Some have
even gone through the wall built by Israel on the border with Egypt, to
visit family members they had not seen for years, especially the young, aged
16-36 years who were not permitted by Israel to leave Gaza".

"There is no substitute for freedom and liberty and therefore the silence of
the graves must end and Justice should be discovered" says Costa. "The
International Community is called upon to apply "one standard", to request
Israel to end the occupation in compliance with UN resolutions and
International Law and to be in solidarity with the oppressed and the
humiliated, in the interest of all".

"As a Palestinian Christian believing in "The Living Hope" I hope and pray
to see myself, before my children and grandchildren, a glimmer of light at
the end of the dark tunnel, so that the two peoples, created in the image of
God, can live side by side and in confidence, as good neighbors, in two
sovereign and independent states, as our families have coexisted before 1948
in this holy land. Amen". For more information, kindly contact
Mr.Constantine Dabbagh at:

Middle East Council of Churches
Office of International Ecumenical Relations
P.O. Box 5376, Beirut, Lebanon

Guirgis Ibrahim Saleh, General Secretary or


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