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[LCMSNews] '07 Youth Gathering shifts to Orlando

From "LCMS e-News" <>
Date Wed, 12 Oct 2005 20:08:35 -0500


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October 12, 2005 .................... LCMSNews -- No. 69

2007 Gathering returns to Orlando,
shifting site from New Orleans

LCMS District and Congregational Services (DCS)--Youth Ministry
announced today (Oct. 12) that plans are now firm to hold the 2007
National LCMS Youth Gathering in Orlando, Fla., instead of in New
Orleans. The Gathering is set for July 28-Aug. 1.

Youth Ministry announced at the 2004 Gathering in Orlando that
New Orleans had been selected to host the 2007 Gathering, but began
reconsidering that choice after Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast
Aug. 29 and caused levee breaches that flooded an estimated 80 percent
of New Orleans.

"With less than 21 months until the 2007 event," Gathering
Communications Director Gretchen Jameson said in a news release today
(Oct. 12), "the Youth Ministry Office and the National LCMS Youth
Gathering, with unanimous approval from the Executive Committee of the
Board for District and Congregational Services, will heed the
recommendation from The Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod's Risk
Management and Insurance Office that 'without a critical path/timeline
established as to when it is estimated that New Orleans could be rebuilt
to accommodate the 35,000+ individuals in 2007, coupled with [the] need
to continue [the] planning process, it is recommended that an optional
city be selected for the 2007 Gathering.' "

Jameson noted that post-Katrina deliberations on the site for
the next national Gathering included the DCS, the New Orleans Convention
and Visitors Bureau, authorities of that city's Morial Convention
Center, the LCMS Travel and Meeting Office, and LCMS Risk Management.

She said that an Oct. 3 meeting with officials "revealed the
reality of insuring the five-day youth event in New Orleans to allow for
the integrity of the event's programs to be realized would be extremely

Youth Ministry delayed from Oct. 7 until at least today (Oct.
12) its plan to announce a final Gathering site after Louisiana
Lieutenant Governor Mitch Landrieu requested that the city be given more
time to demonstrate its viability to accommodate the Gathering. Jameson
said that on Oct. 11, New Orleans representatives asked the Gathering to
delay for another 60-90 days before making any decision.

"Given the nature of the Gathering," said Rev. Terry Dittmer,
director of LCMS Youth Ministry, which sponsors the national Gatherings,
"time is not something we have in great supply."

"The reality we face." Dittmer said, "is that the Gathering
requires 500,000 square feet of convention space, a venue for 35,000
participants for [mass] events, 14,000 hotel rooms within walking
distance or a 15-minute shuttle ride, and food options in a price range
and of a volume to feed a crowd of teenagers. With less than two years
to plan, we simply cannot wait to find a city and expect to book a
location at a reasonable price."

Of seven cities considered for the 2007 Gathering after
Hurricane Katrina, including New Orleans, only Orlando had the necessary
dates, hotel, and convention space available at an "impressively
affordable" cost, according to Jameson. Orlando was the site of the
Synod's most recent national Gathering, in 2004.

"The rationale to move to Orlando," Jameson said, "was endorsed
by the Gathering Executive Council at an emergency meeting held in St.
Louis on Oct. 4, 2005. Members of the Gathering Executive Council
included individuals also serving the LCMS Southern District Relief
Office and [LCMS] New Orleans natives. The executive committee of the
DCS expressed unanimous approval for the move to Orlando; similar
endorsement for New Orleans was not expressed."

Gene Menzel, executive assistant for Parish Services for the
LCMS Southern District, which includes New Orleans, sent an e-mail to
Dittmer that said, "I accept that the [Youth Ministry Office] and
planners must make some major decisions and get things in place to be
ready for 2007. We do not feel that we are being abandoned as I am
certain that ... the 2007 Gathering will still have a flavor of New
Orleans no matter where it will be held."

Noting that New Orleans hosted two previous national LCMS
Gatherings, Dittmer said, "The Gathering, and indeed the church, values
its history with New Orleans."

Dittmer called the choice to leave New Orleans "an emotionally
difficult decision to make. It has been a vibrant place for the
Gathering, [and] its people and leaders have been generous to our youth.
The reality of having to make this move is not one we take lightly."

The move from New Orleans "cannot be interpreted as fleeing to
find comfort and ease for participants or the program," said Mark
Kiessling, a DCS--Youth Ministry staff member and program director for
the 2007 Gathering. "If we were able to guarantee the safety of teens in
the city and the Gathering's ability to program boldly given the
circumstances within the city, we would do so. At this time, we cannot
reasonably assure parents and congregations that the city will be able
to fully accommodate the event."

Kiessling said that Servant Events planned in conjunction with
the 2007 Gathering, which has "CHOSEN" as its theme, will include
"projects [with] ... opportunities for youth to impact our host city,
Orlando, as well as hurricane-impacted areas along the Gulf Coast, from
Florida to Texas."

According to Jameson, Servant Events will include "pre- and
post-Gathering service opportunities in the impacted region for
construction, environment, and human-care assistance in 2007 as well as
significant servant opportunities in the spring and summer of 2006,
2007, and 2008. Southern District representatives have shared that
numerous smaller groups serving the region over a longer period of time
will be 'far more manageable' than hosting the entire Gathering."

"The LCMS does care about the people and congregations of
Louisiana and the Gathering desires to return to New Orleans one day,"
Dittmer said. "CHOSEN will involve massive opportunity for participants
to serve hurricane-impacted areas and hurting people -- in a safe,
viable environment for our young people. And the Gathering will do what
for 30 years it has done by the grace of God -- nurture and affirm young
people in the faith and provide opportunities for youth and adults to
boldly come together in the name of Jesus to witness their salvation in

Registration for the 2007 National LCMS Youth Gathering opens in
fall of 2006. For more information about the Gathering, visit its Web
site, <> . For more
information about Servant Events, see the LCMS Youth Ministry site, <> .


If you have questions or comments about this LCMSNews release,
contact Joe Isenhower Jr. at or (314) 996-1231,
or Paula Schlueter Ross at or (314) 996-1230.


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