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ACNS Anglican Communion Office Staff News
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Tue, 10 Jan 2006 09:32:49 -0800
ACNS 4093 | ACO | 10 JANUARY 2005
Anglican Communion Office Staff News
Clare Amos appointed Director of Theological Studies
Canon Kenneth Kearon, Secretary-General of the Anglican Communion is
delighted to announce that Clare Amos has been appointed as Director of
Theological Studies for the Anglican Communion.
Previously Clare has worked for the Anglican Communion office as
Secretary to the Anglican Primates Working Party on Theological
Education (TEAC) and Co-ordinator for the Network of Inter Faith
Concerns for the Anglican Communion. She has been also Theological
Resource Officer of the Anglican world mission agency USPG (United
Society for the Propagation of the Gospel).
Clare has varied and extensive experience in the field of theological
education for both clergy and lay people, first in the Middle East,
where she was a mission partner of CMS (Church Mission Society), and
latterly in the United Kingdom. Her own theological studies were
undertaken at the University of Cambridge, England, and the Ecole
Biblique et Archeologique Francaise, Jerusalem, (where she was the
recipient of a World Council of Churches ecumenical scholarship). She
has published in the field of biblical studies and spirituality. Her
most recent publication is, 'Beginning over again: through Lent with
Genesis and the Gospels' (Inspire, 2005). She is also the honorary
editor of The Reader, the national magazine for Church of England
Readers (Lay Ministers).
Clare says, 'Archbishop Rowan has made it clear how important he
considers theological education in the life of our Communion. This
commitment is also strongly shared by the Anglican Primates. It will be
a major focus of the Lambeth Conference in 2008. It is a privilege to be
able to contribute to such a vision and I am looking forward to having
the opportunity to continue to work together with Anglicans from all
parts of our Communion in order to strengthen our work in this field. A
considerable part of my time over the next couple of years will be given
over to ensuring that the excellent process that TEAC has initiated is
developed and carried through. Like many Anglican Christians I believe
that theology and theological education do not only involve academic
learning, but also need to engage our spirits and hearts as well as our
heads. It is a particular charism and gift of the Anglican Way to
emphasise the need for the church to be both a worshipping and learning
Clare will also remain a theological consultant for USPG. She is married
to Canon Alan Amos, a priest in the Diocese of Rochester in the Church
of England, and they have one son.
Christine Codner appointed Senior PA to the Secretary General
The Revd Canon Kenneth Kearon, Secretary General of the Anglican
Communion is delighted to announce his recent appointment of Mrs
Christine Codner as his Senior Personal Assistant.
Christine has worked for the Anglican Communion Office since 1983. Her
early years were within the Secretary General's Department under the
leadership of the Revd Canon Samuel Van Culin. In 1993 Christine
furthered her vocation in ecumenism as Personal Assistant to former
Directors of Ecumenical Affairs, The Revd Dr Donald Anderson and The
Revd Canon David Hamid, now Assistant Bishop in Europe. More recently
she served as Senior Personal Assistant to The Revd Canon Gregory
Cameron, Director of Ecumenical Affairs and Deputy Secretary General.
Christine's wide knowledge and experience within the Secretariat provide
her with the unique capabilities to realise her new role. She holds a BA
(Hons) Degree in Business Studies and a Master's Degree in Business
Management. In addition she extends herself to counselling to the
bereaved and victims of crime in her local community as well as actively
supporting her local church initiatives.
Canon Kenneth Kearon says, 'these changes in the Anglican Communion
Office will strengthen our ability to respond to the many demands made
on us. Christine brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to this
post, and I am delighted she has accepted this responsibility.'
She is married to Herman, a Fellow Chartered Certified Accountant. They
have two children.
Suminder Duggal appointed Communications Assistant
The ACO has recently recruited its newest member Mrs Suminder Duggal as
a part-time Communications Assistant. Suminder has a Masters in Media,
Communications and Technology and has previously worked as an
Administrator in a Communications department for a company that dealt
with Security. She also recently got married in July 2005 to her
husband, Amit Duggal.
'After completing her Masters degree, Suminder wanted to further her
career within communications - having been very successful in this
sector before, it was evident that she possessed extremely strong
communication skills that would be ideal for working within the
Communications department at the ACO, especially with all her previous
experience,' says Communications Director Jim Rosenthal.
The General Secretary, the Revd Canon Kenneth Kearon, appointed Suminder
Duggal to this role where she provides PA and administrative support to
the Director of Communications Canon Jim Rosenthal, research's news
stories for our website and the Anglican Episcopal World magazine,
uploads news stories on the website, writes media press releases and
attends press conferences and meetings as required.
ACNSlist, published by Anglican Communion News Service, London, is
distributed to more than 8,000 journalists and other readers around
the world.
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