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[ENS] Listening: World Mission Sunday set for February 26 with focus
"Matthew Davies" <>
Wed, 11 Jan 2006 13:46:51 -0500
Episcopal News Service Listening, Learning & Epiphany
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Listening: World Mission Sunday set for February 26 with focus on
Anglican/Episcopal women
Chicago to mark Companion Diocese Sunday January 15
[ENS] World Mission Interpretation and Networks, an office within the
Anglican and Global Relations cluster, invites all Episcopalians on
February 26 to celebrate the mission and ministry of "Anglican/Episcopal
Women: Relevant, Radical and Responsive."
World Mission Sunday, celebrated every year on the last Sunday after
Epiphany, is a commemoration established by mandate of General Convention
Resolution 1997 A205 to help Episcopalians increase awareness of and
participation in global mission.
The 2006 theme was inspired by the work of Episcopal and Anglican women
from around the world who gathered at last year's meeting of the United
Nations Commission on the Status of Women.
The endeavors of the Commission are just one of many examples of how
Episcopalians can include and celebrate world mission in the fulfillment
of the mission of the church "to restore all people to unity with God
and each other in Christ."
Materials for congregational use will include a specially designed poster,
a downloadable bulletin shell, bulletin insert, a sermon, a homiletical
note and other web site links.
Propers for World Mission Sunday are the same as the ones for Last
Sunday after Epiphany, Lectionary Year B: 1 Kings 19:9-18 2 Peter 1:
16-19 (20-21) Mark 9:2-9 Psalm 27 or 27:5-11
For additional information on World Mission Sunday contact Tracy Andres
at 212.716.6226 or email
Chicago to mark Companion Diocese Sunday January 15
Congregations are encouraged to publish information on Chicago's companion
dioceses -- Southeast Mexico and Renk, Sudan -- in their newsletters and
bulletins for this Sunday, January 15, and to offer special prayers and
take up a collection for the companion dioceses.
Parishes are also encouraged to offer presentations to their members on
the companion dioceses and their respective countries.
The 2004 Chicago Diocesan Convention adopted a resolution from the
Commission on Global Mission designating the second Sunday after the
Epiphany as Companion Diocese Sunday.
Additional information and materials to support diocesan companionship
relationships with Chicago's linked dioceses of Southeast Mexico and Renk,
Sudan, can be obtained from the commission's president, the Rev. Suzi
Holding, at 630.530.1434 or by email at
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