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[ENS] Consortium of Endowed Episcopal Parishes to meet February 22-25
"Matthew Davies" <>
Tue, 17 Jan 2006 17:58:01 -0500
Daybook, from Episcopal News Service
January 17, 2006 - Tuesday to Note
Consortium of Endowed Episcopal Parishes to meet February 22-25 in
Alexandria, VA
Justice Sandra Day O'Connor among presenters
[Episcopal News Service] "Faith, Formation and Freedom: Affirming
Identity" is the theme of this year's Consortium of Endowed Episcopal
Parishes (CEEP) conference, set to run February 22-25 at the Hilton
Alexandria Mark Center in Alexandria, Virginia.
The Consortium is a network of more than 100 endowed parishes
by innovative and effective initiatives and approaches to leadership
education for lay and clergy in the Episcopal Church.
Attendees of the 21st annual CEEP conference can participate in a
variety of
conference tracks and workshops on stewardship, endowment, outreach,
leadership and Christian formation for all ages.
According to the conference website, plenary speakers and panelists
Jim Wallis, Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, Bishop Michael Curry of North
Carolina, Nathan Dugan, the Very Rev. Robert Willis, Bishop John Bryson
Chane of Washington, Dr. James H. Cooper, retired Bishop Mark Dyer of
Bethlehem, Bishop Peter James Lee of Virginia, the Very Rev. Samuel
and T. Dennis Sullivan, president of the Church Pension Group.
An author, speaker, activist and international commentator on ethics and
public life, Wallis is a founder of the Sojourners community and
to serve as editor of Sojourners magazine. In 1995, Wallis was
in forming Call to Renewal, a national federation of churches,
denominations, and faith-based organizations from across the theological
political spectrum working to overcome poverty. His most recent book is
God's Politics: Why the Right Gets It Wrong and the Left Doesn't Get It
(Harper Collins, 2005). He offers regular commentary and analysis for
and television and teaches a course at Harvard University on "Faith,
Politics, and Society.."
O'Connor has been a justice of the Supreme Court of the United States
1981. She was the first woman to serve on the Court. She graduated first
her class at Stanford Law School and served in all three branches of
government, until appointed to the court by Ronald Reagan. She has been
referred to as the most influential women in America. On July 1, 2005,
O'Connor announced her retirement from the Supreme Court, effective upon
confirmation of her successor. She is an Episcopalian, active at the
National Cathedral.
Curry was elected eleventh Bishop of North Carolina in 2000. He received
Master of Divinity degree in 1978 from Yale University Divinity School.
has also done continued study at the College of Preachers, Princeton
Theological Seminary, Wake Forest University, the Ecumenical Institute
St. Mary's Seminary, and the Institute of Christian-Jewish Studies.
President and founder of Share Save Spend, LLC, an organization that
people of all ages develop and maintain healthy financial habits, Dungan
become one of the national media's go-to experts on family finances and
effects of mass marketing on young people.
Willis is the 39th Dean of Canterbury, having moved to Canterbury from
Hereford Cathedral in 2001. He is the Chairman of the Deans' and
Conference of the Church of England and has been a member of the General
Synod for 14 years.
Chane was consecrated and installed as the Bishop of Washington DC in
Formerly the dean of Saint Paul's Cathedral, San Diego, he holds degrees
from Boston University (BA) and Yale Divinity School (M.Div.). He was
recently appointed to serve on a Global Anglican Task Force
human rights violations in the Kingdom of Swaziland, Africa and his
has established a partnership with the Anglican Church of the Province
Southern Africa.
Rector of Trinity Wall Street in New York City since 2004, Cooper began
ordained ministry in 1970, when he was appointed assistant rector at St.
Peter's Church, Albany, New York. He completed his Master of Divinity
at Virginia Theological Seminary in 1970 and earned his Doctor of
degree, also at Virginia seminary, in 1993. In 1972, he was called as
assistant rector of Christ Episcopal Church, Ponte Vedra Beach. He was
called to be rector of the congregation in 1979. Today, Christ Episcopal
Church is the third largest Episcopal Church in the United States.
Dyer is professor of Systematic Theology and director of Spiritual
at Virginia Theological Seminary. He was professed a monk of St. Anselm
Abbey (Benedictine) in 1960 and ordained a priest of St. Anselm Abbey in
1963. He was received as a priest of the Episcopal Church in
in 1971 and served as the seventh bishop of the Diocese of Bethlehem
Lee is the bishop of the Diocese of Virginia, one of the oldest and
dioceses in the Episcopal Church with 87,000 baptized members and 187
churches in the central and northern counties of Virginia. He graduated
Washington and Lee University, studied law at Duke University and has
from Virginia Theological Seminary.
Lloyd is the ninth dean of Washington National Cathedral. Prior to
coming to
the Cathedral he served for 12 years as rector of historic Trinity
Copley Square in Boston, Massachusetts. He currently serves as a regent
the University of the South, a trustee of the Episcopal Media Center,
and is
a member of the Board of Ministry at Harvard University.
Sullivan, president of the Church Pension Group, served as financial
president of the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, president and chief
officer of Princeton University Investment Company, and deputy
of the Department of Labor and Industry for the State of New Jersey.
The conference begins on February 22 with pre-conference sessions from
p.m. followed by Evensong at 6 p.m. with Dr. Miroslav Volf, director of
Center for Faith and Culture and Henry B. Wright, Professor of Theology
Yale Divinity School.
The full-conference kicks off on February 23 with a continental
breakfast at
8:30 a.m. Wallis, Curry and Willis are the speakers for the day.
Conference registration cost is as follows:
* $445 Registration fee (through January 31
* $495 Late Registration fee (beginning February 1)
* $135 Pre-conferences (per person)
* $100 Thursday dinner (per guest)
* $50 Post-Conference Pilgrimage to Washington National Cathedral
* $400 Trial membership fee for non-member congregations (per church/add
registration fee for each person sent.)
You can register online at or
obtain a form and more information from
This year's host parishes are St. Paul's Episcopal Church
( and Christ Church
CEEP's mission is to bring leaders from endowed parishes together to
the development and use of endowments for mission and ministry in our
communities and in the world.
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