H.G. Bishop Semaan Attallah, previously President of the Maronite Order has been appointed Bishop of Baalbek, replacing G.G. Bishop Boulos Munjed El Hachem.
Father George Abou Jaoude Al Azari is now Archbishop of the Maronite Diocese of Tripoli, replacinbg late Archbishop Youhanna Fuad Al Haj.
Middle East Council of Churches Office of International Ecumenical Relations P.O. Box 5376, Beirut, Lebanon
Guirgis Ibrahim Saleh, General Secretary
mecc@cyberia.net.lb or guirgissaleh@cyberia.net.lb
+961-1-353-938 http://www.mec-churches.org/ H.G. Bishop François Eid was appointed to the Diocese of Cairo.