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February 9, 2006 .................... LCMSNews -- No. 4
Items available for `06 Lutheran Schools Week
Promotional resources are available to help Lutheran schools and congregations observe National Lutheran Schools Week 2006.
Set for March 5-11, the week has the theme of "Lutheran Schools -- A Great Place To Grow," with "a sub-theme of "Developing Disciples," based on John 13:35.
Last month, LCMS District and Congregational Services (DCS) -- School Ministry mailed a brochure with information about the promotional items, along with an order form, to all Lutheran schools.
The resources, which may be ordered by item number from either the DCS Web site or from Concordia Publishing House, are:
* a 64-page, two-color reproducible worship manual, $12, item no. S00825;
* balloons (50 per bag) with the 2006 theme and logo, $5, item no. S00828;
* stickers (roll of 500), pressure-sensitive with logo in three colors, $25, item no. S00827;
* pencils (100 per box), purple with message in gold, $18, item no. S00826;
* sport bottles (20 oz., five per package) with logo in green, $10, item no. S00829; and
* tattoos (200 per package), temporary transfer, $8, item no. S00830.
To place an order online, go to the DCS store at http://dcs.lcms.org/store, then to "School Ministry," next to "National Lutheran Schools Week 2006," and finally to "Promotional." Or, call CPH at (800) 325-3040. Or, mail the completed order form to CPH or fax it to (800) 490-9889.
Bill Cochran, director of DCS-School Ministry, said that the "Developing Disciples" sub-theme for the week "rings true" for LCMS schools, where 14 percent of students were unchurched, according to statistics the schools submitted for the 2004-05 school year.
With a total enrollment of 270,861 in preschools through high schools, the schools reported that 2,579 of their students and 3,647 of their parents or other adult family members were baptized during that year.
"Our Lutheran schools are ablaze with the Gospel message of our Lord Jesus Christ in many ways," said Cochran, with "teachers and administrators who live out their faith in their daily lives and students who witness their faith to their families and neighbors."
"In our schools," he said, "the Gospel is incorporated into the teaching of each subject, and is even shared in discipline situations."
He pointed out that National Lutheran Schools Week resources are planned and offered "to coordinate with the many ways our schools share the Gospel in their communities, including newspaper articles, advertisements, and open houses."
If you have questions or comments about this LCMSNews release, contact Joe Isenhower Jr. at joe.isenhower@lcms.org <mailto:joe.isenhower@lcms.org> or (314) 996-1231, or Paula Schlueter Ross at paula.ross@lcms.org <mailto:paula.ross@lcms.org> or (314) 996-1230.
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