The Caritas Conference was organized from April 25-27, 2006, in Cyprus, under the title ³Caritas testimony of charity, actor of peace in a multi confessional context².
Close to 60 participants from around the world attended the Conference that addressed regional organizational concerns. The Forum that followed the Conference had for theme ³Caritas mission as per Deus Caritas Est, beyond all frontiers² focused on Dialogue. While Mr. Ibrahim Shams Eddine gave a presentation on the ³Theological Foundations of Solidarity and Development in Islam in a Perspective of Dialogue and of Conviviality², MECC General Secretary, Mr. Guirgis Saleh spoke of the ³Middle East Council of Churches and the Inter-Religious Platforms for Dialogue². In his presentation, Mr. Saleh highlighted the work of the Council in the area of Christian-Muslim Dialogue, the different levels at which dialogue takes place with the aim o f strengthening systematic dialogue that would lead to mutual understanding, to the consolidation of peace, and to establishing good relations between people for the benefit of humanity in general.
The MECC Christian-Muslim Dialogue Program, said Mr. Saleh, contributes to the establishment of Arab Christianity as a central partner in the Christian-Muslim dialogue worldwide. It strives to prevent religion from becoming a cause of divisions and wars, but rather used as a factor of peac e and cooperation, based on equal citizenship. It also endeavors to eliminate prejudices and pre-judgment inherited or acquired by both sides, to join efforts in shouldering responsibilities toward maintaining a healthy societ y where humanistic values are faced with great challenges, and to work toward s respect and equality among citizens in a pluralistic society in which freedom, based on democratic foundations is embraced.
Middle East Council of Churches Office of International Ecumenical Relations P.O. Box 5376, Beirut, Lebanon
Guirgis Ibrahim Saleh, General Secretary or