Episcopal News Service Friday, May 5, 2006
Toward Columbus: Interviews with Presiding Bishop nominees available online
[ENS] Interviews with the seven nominees for 26th Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church are now available online at http://www.episcopalchurch.org/3577_74145_ENG_HTM.htm.
This June 18, in Columbus, Ohio, the church will elect its 26th Presiding Bishop to a nine-year term.
The videos, produced and provided by Trinity Wall Street, New York City, allow each nominee to speak about the defining moment in their ministries and more.
In January, the Joint Nominating Committee for the Election of the Presiding Bishop, co-chaired by Bishop Peter James Lee of Virginia and Diane Pollard, announced the names of the first four bishops placed in nomination for Presiding Bishop. In March, three more bishops were nominated by petition.
The nominees, in alphabetical order, are:
Bishop John Neil Alexander of Atlanta: Defining moment "has always been around my desire to serve the church as a priest, as a pastor and to take care of a congregation."
Bishop Francisco J. Duque-Gomez of Colombia: Through a translator, spoke of the importance of being born and raised in a Christian family, which "highlighted ethical, moral, [and] religious principles" in his life.
Bishop Edwin Funsten "Ted" Gulick, Jr. of Kentucky: Shared that one of his commitments is "to raise up the next generation of lay and ordained leaders for our church."
Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori of Nevada: Stated that the most important priority for the next Presiding Bishop is to "call us back to the center point of our mission."
Bishop Charles Edward Jenkins III of Louisiana: Said his defining moment came in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, which "made me realize my own inadequacy in response to what was needed."
Bishop Henry Nutt Parsley, Jr. of Alabama: Stated that a Presiding Bishop "is called to be a servant of the servants of God as we proclaim the Gospel, as we carry out Christ's mission for the healing of the world, and as we worship and pray."
Bishop Stacy F. Sauls of Lexington: Defining moment came early in his ministry when he learned to "have confidence in my own sense of the right thing to do, and to stick with it, and to persevere."
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