5.10.2006 LCMS News
May 10, 2006 .................... LCMSNews -- No. 31
LFL sets 2006 conference to attract more families
Lutherans For Life (LFL) has moved its annual national conference from fall to summer this year -- July 14-16 in Cedar Rapids, Iowa -- to make it easier for whole families to attend.
Registration is open now, by mail or online. For more information visit the Web site www.lutheransforlife.org/2006_conference_home.htm <http://www.lutheransforlife.org/2006_conference_home.htm> , where other details about the 2006 conference also are posted.
"We moved the conference to July in an effort to be more family-friendly," LFL Communications Director Lowell Highby told LCMSNews. Highby said future national conferences also are being planned for summer.
"Cherish the Children" is the theme for the 2006 conference at the Crowne Plaza Five Seasons Hotel in Cedar Rapids.
Individual registration for the entire conference is $100 ($90 for students) and $190 for married couples, with registrations also available for partial attendance.
Those who register online for the whole conference receive a $5 discount for each adult registering.
A rate of $79 per room per day is available for conference attendees who make reservations with the Crowne Plaza by June 15.
Offered as conference "extras" are a minor-league baseball game; a tour of the nearby Amana colonies; and a first-time day camp for children ages 5 to 12 provided by Camp IO-DIS-E-CA, a ministry of the LCMS Iowa District East.
In addition to plenary presentations that begin with a keynote address the evening of July 14, the conference will offer workshops, a banquet on Saturday, Bible study and worship on Sunday, and a closing brunch.
Among scheduled plenary speakers are:
* Dr. Jeffrey A. Gibbs, conference keynoter and Bible-study leader, who is professor of exegetical theology at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis;
* Chuck Asay, editorial cartoonist for The Gazette, of Colorado Springs, Colo., who will ask "Go Where?" in a presentation based on Gen. 12:2;
* Roberta Bandy of Tower Lake, Ill., an author whose conference topic is "Cherish Unexpected Gifts"; and
* Dr. James I. Lamb, LFL's executive director, who will deliver the sermon for the Sunday worship service.
Workshop topics include "How does daycare become dayscare?"; "Evolution: the incredible hoax"; "The truth about sex, true love, and relationships"; "Titus 2 for life"; "Cherish the children in other lands"; "Cherishing the children through adoption"; "Post-abortion recovery: you and your church can help"; and a panel on "Cherishing moms in crisis."
Lutherans For Life, whose mission is stated as "Witnessing to the sanctity of human life based on the Word of God," describes itself as "the only pan-Lutheran pro-life organization in the nation."
With national offices in Nevada, Iowa, LFL has 15 state or regional federations, 149 local chapters, and 745 life-ministry coordinators nationwide.
If you have questions or comments about this LCMSNews release, contact Joe Isenhower Jr. at joe.isenhower@lcms.org <mailto:joe.isenhower@lcms.org> or (314) 996-1231, or Paula Schlueter Ross at paula.ross@lcms.org <mailto:paula.ross@lcms.org> or (314) 996-1230.
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