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Daybook -- Today is Monday, May 22, 2006, in Eastertide.
* Today in Scripture: Daily Office meditation * Today in Prayer: Anglican Cycle of Prayer * Today in History: This month in 1890, the Rev. Richard Gesnew was beginning his ministry as first vicar of St. Mary's Church in Tower, Minnesota.
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Monday Mission: Food for thought, in Rogationtide by Phina Borgeson
[ENS] "We used to pay to have this property mowed; it was a huge lawn," says Sister Catherine Grace of the Community of the Holy Spirit, speaking about the Bluestone Farm and Learning Center in Brewster, New York. The Community now is in its third year of gardening, and with only 23 acres, is growing vegetables, fruit, grains and beans for drying. Nut trees are going in around the edge of the woodland. "The idea is to eat organically and locally," she adds. The Community's farming efforts are rooted in work with Sister Miriam Therese MacGillis, OP, begun in 2001. She helped the group pose the question: "What are all the unborn of Earth's living systems asking of us -- as women religious in the Episcopal tradition of the 21st century -- so that they might come into existence?" This opened up thinking about the future and made connections with the deep-time origin-creation story. Sisters Helena Marie and Catherine Grace were charged to establish an earth learning center at Melrose Convent in Brewster. Sister Helena Marie had always wanted to garden, and the rest is an emerging story.
full story:
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Monday Media: News Service seeks widened distribution
[ENS] The Episcopal News Service invites individuals, congregations, dioceses and other church groups to subscribe to its free e-mail distribution of articles every business day. New subscribers may enter subscriptions by clicking on - - -
Monday Music: 'Missa Mystica' for Ascension Day
[ENS] To mark Ascension Day, May 25, the choir of All Saints' Church, Beverly Hills, California, will present "Missa Mystica," one in a series of meditative opportunities "to experience the mystery of God's presence in the Holy Eucharist amid the sacred sounds of some of the Christian tradition's most mystical mass settings." Led by the All Saints' Choir Schola, the 7:30 p.m. service will include Thomas Luis de Victoria's "Missa Ascendens Christus in altum". The All Saints Choir is directed by Dale Adelmann. All Saints' Church is located at 504 N. Camden Drive in Beverly Hills. Ample free parking available on the street, or in municipal lots directly across Santa Monica Boulevard. Information: 310.275.0123 or
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Catalyst: "Prayer of the HeArt," new release from Morehouse Publishing (a division of Church Publishing Inc.), by Kelly Schneider Conkling, paperback, 112 pages, $14.95
Morehouse Publishing:
[Source: Morehouse Publishing] -- Down through the centuries, people of faith have known that prayer has many languages, and not all of them have words. Here in "Prayer of the HeArt," readers will learn to use art as a way to open up a deep conversation with God.
This book is not about "art" in the sense of making pretty pictures, or even about expressing an experience of God. Rather it opens readers to new possibilities. The art they create here is the visual result of an experience with God through visual imaging. Those who use this technique invite God to be the director, writer, and artist of their hearts as they are introduced to the concept of "heart spirituality."
"Prayer of the HeArt" is a wonderful exploration -- for both the experienced artist and the novice -- of the role of creativity in the life of prayer. Readers will find a variety of drawing techniques and media, and ways of dialoguing with the images they create. Each chapter, developed around a theme, features a visual exercise and a way to journey deeper into the heart of God.
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