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Daybook -- Today is Tuesday, May 23, 2006, in Eastertide.
* Today in Scripture: Daily Office meditation at * Today in Prayer: Anglican Cycle of Prayer * Today in History: On this day in 1848, St. Paul's Episcopal Church was organized in Fayetteville, Arkansas, on May 23, 1848, by Rev. W.C. Stout. []
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Toward Columbus: Cuban strife must end; companion relationships urged By Matthew Davies
[ENS] Legislation calling for an "immediate end to all portions of the United States economic embargo against the Republic of Cuba" will be presented to the 75th General Convention when it meets June 13-21 in Columbus, Ohio.
Resolution A016, drafted by the Standing Commission on Anglican and International Peace with Justice Concerns (AIPJC), asks dioceses and parishes in the Episcopal Church to consider the establishment of companion relationships with the Episcopal Church of Cuba -- known locally as Iglesia Episcopal de Cubato (IEB) -- to offer spiritual and, where possible, financial support.
Hoping to promote the exchange of religious and political ideals, the resolution also encourages "all members" of the Episcopal Church to travel to Cuba as well as receive delegations from the IEB, subject to approval by the U.S. government.
Finally, the resolution calls for the Episcopal Church to recommit itself "at all levels to pray for the reconciliation of the United States and the Republic of Cuba."
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Tuesday Teaching: St. John the Divine to host historic Chinese Bible exhibit Trinity Episcopal School for Ministry, Nashotah House hold commencement ceremonies
[ENS] An exhibit of more than 100 Bibles and religious artifacts from China will be on public display at the Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine in New York City June 5-12. This marks the first time these artifacts have been displayed outside of China.
"We are honored to be one of the hosts for the China Bible Exhibit," explained the Venerable Michael Kendall, Archdeacon for Mission for the Diocese of New York. "This is a way for us to bridge the cultures and to learn what we have in common. The bibles and artifacts that comprise the exhibit offer a glimpse into the Christian life of our brothers and sisters in Christ who live a half world away. It will be an opportunity for us to learn Christ through Chinese eyes and hearts."
Titled "The Bible Ministry of the Protestant Church in China: A Lamp to My Feet, A Light to My Path," the extensive exhibit will include numerous priceless pieces: a fourth century Bible, a nine-foot long carved wooden mural of the life of Jesus Christ, historical photographs, artifacts, traditional Chinese paintings, calligraphy, wood carvings, paper-cuts and batik.
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Catalyst: "Sunday Funnies," a new release from Morehouse Publishing (an imprint of Church Publishing Inc.), by Jay Sidebotham, paperback, 112 pages, $11.95
Morehouse Publishing:
[Source: Morehouse Publishing] This new title offers a lighthearted romp through the funny side of church life. People in the pews -- as well as the people in the pulpit -- will recognize themselves in these cartoons that take gentle jabs at everything from dedicated volunteers to squalling babies, from Bible stories to the church year.
A great gift for newcomers and confirmands, and a fun read for everyone who's part of a parish. The book is the latest from Episcopal priest and cartoonist Jay Sidebotham.
Order online through Episcopal Books and Resources,; 800.903.5544.
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