From the Worldwide Faith News archives

[ENS] Toward Columbus: World Mission / Teaching: Prayer Octave / Catalyst: Play of Light

From "Matthew Davies" <>
Date Tue, 30 May 2006 10:25:10 -0400

NewsLink Online, serving the Episcopal Church

Daybook -- Today is Tuesday, May 30, 2006, in Eastertide.

* Today in Scripture: Daily Office meditation at * Today in Prayer: Anglican Cycle of Prayer * Today in History: On this day in 1862, the Episcopal Church of St. Philip was established in Buffalo, New York. []

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Toward Columbus: World Mission, reconciling ministries are priorities for Convention By Matthew Davies

[ENS] Promoting partnerships for global mission and expanding current programs to better serve the church in the world will be at the heart of at least ten resolutions to be presented to legislative committees at the 75th General Convention, when it meets June 13-21 in Columbus, Ohio.

The Standing Commission on World Mission (SCWM), responsible for drafting Resolutions A113-122, met four times in the last triennium, which it describes as "a time of considerable promise and anxiety -- promise because Episcopalians are increasingly aware of their engagement with the Anglican Communion and of their desire for shared mission, but anxiety because conflict threatens that fellowship."

Full story:

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Tuesday Teaching

This Sunday, June 4, marks the beginning of the Octave of Prayer preceding the 75th General Convention. For resources and full details, visit the General Convention homepages at:

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Catalyst: "The Play of Light: Observations and Epiphanies in the Everyday World," from Cowley Publications, by Louis J. Masson, 145 pages, paperback, $14.95

ISBN-10: 1-56101-240-8 ISBN-13: 978-1-56101-240-4

Cowley Publications: uct _Code=2006-01-1561012408&

[Source: Cowley Publications] -- "What follows is the play of memory and epiphany in a rather ordinary life spent with family, in the classroom, in church, among books, and in nature-the commonplace revelations of the Holy Ghost's bright wings..." With elegant fluidity, Lou Masson retraces the paths of his memory in search of revelations from the past. Snow under a boy's boots; the old hands of a Russian artist; a daughter's photographs; the wide Willamette Valley-as Masson turns his eye to such simple images, the light of new meaning begins to glow. Under his pen, the lost moments of everyday life resurface with iconic vitality. Yet at heart, Masson's writing reaches from private thought to touch memory not his own. The intimacy of Masson's reflections opens us to our own remembered worlds. Guided by his faith in life's value, our forgotten pasts may reemerge in all their once-hidden holiness. In The Play of Light, Masson offers us a double journey: to travel with him into his past draws us into the singular richness of our own lives.

Book of the Year Award

The Play of Light and The Soul of the Night by Chet Raymo are finalists for ForeWord Magazine's 2005 Book of the Year Awards. Bronze, Silver, and Gold Award winners will be announced at Book Expo America in Washington, DC, Friday, May 19, 2006. For more information, please visit ForeWord Magazine

Editorial Reviews

"Our world is filled with wonders and that is why we need tutors to show us how to make the most of the little epiphanies and sacramental showings that we oftentimes miss in the shove and tug of everyday life."

-Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat, Spirituality and Practice Read Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat's full review of The Play of Light in Spirituality and Practice. "In lucid and lyrical prose, Lou Masson takes the seemingly insignificant details of daily life, the seemingly insignificant objects and experiences of memory, the brief words and gestures that linger, links them, transforms them, honors and reveals them to be the vital essence of existence. In The Play of Light, Masson demonstrates a manner, a way of observing that lifts the ordinary into the rare. This collection of essays itself is no ordinary gift but a rare one." -Pattiann Rogers, author of Firekeeper: Selected Poems

About the Author

Lou Masson has spent a lifetime teaching writing and literature at the University of Portland in Oregon's Willamette Valley. In addition to innumerable stories and poems, he has authored a collection of essays, Reflections: Essays on Place and Family. Masson serves as contributing editor to Portland Magazine.

Order online through Episcopal Books and Resources,; 800.903.5544.


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