ACNS 4162 | NIGERIA | 4 JULY 2006
Communiqué from the Episcopal Synod of the Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion)
Episcopal Synod held at All Saints' Church Wuse Zone 5 Abuja from Tuesday 27 - Wednesday 28 June 2006
The Episcopal Synod of the Church of Nigeria met under God at All Saints' church Abuja from 27th - 28th June 2006 with His Grace, The Most Rev. Peter J. Akinola, CON, DD, Archbishop, Primate and Metropolitan of All Nigeria presiding. After sessions of deliberations on issues affecting both the Church and Society, the Synod under the guidance of the Holy Spirit issued this Communiqué.
Synod notes with satisfaction the efforts of the Primate of the Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion), His Grace, The Most Rev. Peter J. Akinola, in giving the Church of Nigeria, (CAPA and Global South a purposeful and effective leadership. It further expresses its approval of his actions and pronouncements against errors of revisionist ideologies. With much delight and enthusiasm, Synod received his citing by TIME Magazine as one of the 100 persons that shaped the World in 2005, and encouraged him not to relent in his efforts in exercising his ministry.
Synod is satisfied with the move by the Global South to continue with its veritable project of defending the faith committed to us against present onslaught from ECUSA, Canada, England and their allies. The need therefore, to redefine and/or re-determine those who are truly Anglicans becomes urgent, imperative and compelling. Synod therefore empowers the leadership of the Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion) to give assent to the Anglican Covenant.
The Lambeth Conference which is one of the accepted organs of unity in the Anglican Communion is due for another meeting in 2008. the Synod, after reviewing some recent major events in the Communion, especially the effects of the 'revisionists' theology', which is now making wave in America, Canada and England, observed with dismay the inability of the Church in the aforementioned areas to see reason for repentance from the harm and stress they have caused this communion since 1988 culminating in the consecration of Gene Robinson, a practicing homosexual in 2003 as a bishop in ECUSA. Synod also regrets the inability of the See of Canterbury to prevent further impairment of the unity of the Church. It therefore, believes strongly that the moral justification for the proposed Lambeth Conference of 2008 is questionable in view of the fact that by promoting teachings and practices that are alien and inimical to the historic formularies of the Church, the Bishops of ECUSA, Canada and parts of Britain have abandoned the Biblical faith of our fathers.
Synod underlines the need for maintaining the age-long tradition of a ten-yearly Conference of Bishops in the Anglican Communion for discussing issues affecting the Church. It therefore calls on the leadership of the Global South and Council of Anglican Provinces in Africa (CAPA) to do everything necessary to put in place a Conference of all Anglican Bishops to hold in 2008 should all efforts to get the apostles of 'revisionist agenda' to repent and retrace their steps fail.
Synod is worried that months after the mayhem unleashed on the nation in February 2006 by criminals, murderers and arsonists hiding under the cloak of religion, no one has been brought to book neither any compensation paid for the properties especially churches destroyed and lives lost in the riots. It therefore, calls on the Governments of the land to take urgent steps to prosecute these enemies of mankind and pay necessary compensations in order to restore the confidence that every Nigerian is protected any where in this nation.
Synod continues to note with concern the ravaging effects of HJV/AIDS and the threat it is posing to human society. More worrisome is the mismanagement of funds meant for prosecution of the war against this scourge in Nigeria; leading to the de-listing of Nigeria by foreign Donor Agencies. While noting the efforts of Church in the HIV/AIDS Programme, it calls on all Dioceses and Churches to be actively involved in this project with a view to ensuring that this ugly monster does not further endanger the lives for which Christ died.
While noting the spread of Islam in hitherto predominantly Christian cities, especially in Europe and America, and their insistence on minority rights, Synod is worried that this same Muslims have refused to allow people of other faiths into their (Muslim dominated) areas to enjoy such rights. It therefore calls on our Muslim brothers in the spirit of reciprocity to have a change of attitude and put an end to intolerance and hostilities to Christians all over the world.
Synod is happy that the processes leading to the general elections in Nigeria come 2007 are on course. While underscoring the need for emergence of credible, committed and patriotic leaders for the nation, it calls on all Christians to actively participate in all electoral processes to forestall a situation where e lections are used to recycle past leaders. Synod further enjoins the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) to ensure a very high degree of transparency in all elections slated for 2007, so as to avoid the ugly consequences of any electoral result that did not truly reflect the wishes and aspirations of the electorate. While calling for a truly independent judiciary, the synod insists that all petitions arising from the forthcoming general elections should be handled with dispatch in the spirit of justice, equity and fair play.
The Most Revd. Peter J. Akinola, CON, D.D.
Archbishop, Metropolitan and Primate of All Nigeria
Article from: The Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion)
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