ELCA News Blog
September 14, 2006
ELCA raised $725,000 in the 2006 Souper Bowl of Caring effort
by Melissa Ramirez Cooper, ELCA News Service
Members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) raised $725,000 to support hunger-fighting organizations across the United States and Caribbean as part of "Souper Bowl of Caring" -- an effort among faith groups aimed at raising millions of dollars to fight hunger. The effort is primarily led by youth who encourage their congregation's participation in the Souper Bowl of Caring by collecting one-dollar bills in soup kettles from parishioners as they leave church on the National Football League's (NFL) "Super Bowl Sunday." Youth also collect food products to support local food centers or shelters and take part in volunteer opportunities. Youth groups decide where to donate their collections. Some congregations of the ELCA contributed their donations to the ELCA World Hunger Appeal and local Lutheran social ministry organizations.
Congregations begin reporting their results on the day of the Super Bowl. As of Sept. 13 faith groups across the country raised more than $4.66 million in 2006. Totals are posted on the Souper Bowl of Caring's Web site. More than $33 million has been raised since the effort began in 1990.
The next Souper Bowl of Caring will take place on Feb. 4, 2007 -- the date of the NFL Super Bowl. More than "2,000 Lutheran groups have already registered to participate in Souper Bowl of Caring 2007 under the theme, 'Stir it Up,'" said Kathryn Sime, director, ELCA World Hunger and Disaster Appeal. Information about Souper Bowl of Caring is available in the Winter 2006-2007 ELCA World Hunger Resource Packet. For information contact: John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or news@elca.org http://www.elca.org/news ELCA News Blog: http://www.elca.org/news/blog