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[ENS] Multimedia: Margaret Rose on ordained women's leadership / Catalyst: Refuge and Strength

From "Matthew Davies" <>
Date Fri, 15 Sep 2006 17:49:17 -0400

Daybook -- Today is Friday, September 15, 2006.

* Today in Scripture: Daily Office meditation * Today in Prayer: Anglican Cycle of Prayer: * Today in History: On this day in 1983, Charles Long was named director and editor of Forward Movement Publications. r=77291

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Multimedia: Margaret Rose on leadership roles for ordained women

[ENS] The Rev. Margaret R. Rose, director of Women's Ministries for the Episcopal Church, speaks about the "Imagine: Claiming & Empowering Ordained Women's Leadership" conference October 2-6 at the Kanuga conference center in North Carolina and the leadership of Presiding Bishop-elect Katharine Jefferts Schori.

Video and Audio streams of Rose's interview are available at:

Full text:

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Conference imagines greater leadership role for ordained women in a changed church

By Mary Frances Schjonberg

[ENS] For the first time in the 32 years that they have been priests in the Episcopal Church, ordained women will gather the first week in October to imagine a greater role for themselves in leading the Church, and to train for how that might happen.

The women who will gather for the "Imagine: Claiming & Empowering Ordained Women's Leadership" conference October 2-6 at the Kanuga conference center in North Carolina will also be called on "to look at the kind of church that they want to be leaders in," according to the Rev. Margaret R. Rose, director of the Episcopal Church's Office of Women's Ministries.

"It's not just about having women take on leadership in the Church as it is," she said in an interview []. "We are hoping that this week of gathering together will provide the opportunity for women to envision the kind of church we want to lead. What is it that needs transforming in the Church today? What are new models of church that we want to help bring about?

"What are the ways in which we can use our leadership to make the Church a better place, to make the Church a place where the gospel of Christ really can be preached, to make the Church a place where the mission of God, which is that of caring for God's people and especially those who are poor around the world, is possible?"

Rose noted that the conference fits well with the third United Nations Millennium Development Goal [] of promoting gender equality and empowering women around the world. "We have discovered that when the women come together, though they may disagree on many issues -- including the one that seems to be dividing our Church right now -- we have noticed that they also agree on the issues of feeding hungry people and survival and the question of AIDS, and the women who gather are working in unity and they are finding ways to make a difference in the world," she said.

Full story:

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Catalyst: "Refuge and Strength: Selections from the Psalter of the Book of Common Prayer" from Church Publishing, Inc., by the Choir of the Church of St. Luke in the Fields, New York City, CD, $18

[Source: Church Publishing, Inc.] The 1979 Prayer Book Psalter is a translation of great beauty in the tradition of its English and American predecessors. The selections chosen here, beautifully sung by this renowned choir, represent a variety of styles, including Anglican and Russian chant, plainsong, and metrical settings. This unique recording showcases the best of traditional and contemporary composers.

To order: Episcopal Books and Resources, online at or call 800.903.5544.

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