Episcopal News Service Friday, September 15, 2006
We must make a difference, Powell tells New York gathering
Episcopal Social Services celebrates 175 years and honors Powell
By Daphne Mack
[ENS] Today, many children are faced with obstacles that impede daily living and dim their aspirations for the future, but "we must make a difference," retired U.S. Secretary of State General Colin L. Powell told those gathered September 12 to honor his work with America's Promise and recognize the 175th anniversary of Episcopal Social Services (ESS).
"It is said that to nurture a child is to bless the future, and I believe that wholeheartedly," he told more than 300 business and religious leaders and philanthropists in attendance at the Cathedral Church of Saint John the Divine in New York City.
Powell is the founding chairman of America's Promise, a collaborative network that facilitates volunteer action for children and youth, founded after the Presidents' Summit for America's Future in 1997. Its partnerships with government, nonprofits, business and communities work to ensure that all children can have access to five essential resources: caring adults, safe places, a healthy start, effective education and opportunities to help others.
Through humorous yet poignant stories of growing up in a close-knit South Bronx neighborhood, and serving as an acolyte at St. Margaret's Church, Powell shared the sense of purpose his family instilled in him as a child.
"ESS and America's Promise are doing important work in our communities - both here in New York City and across the country," Powell said. "I am delighted to be here tonight with this significant organization on its 175th anniversary and hope that we continue to invest in our youth, challenge them and provide opportunities for them to succeed."
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