9.18.2006 LCMS News
September 18, 2006 .................... LCMSNews
E-news update
LCMSNews release No. 60, an obituary on Dr. Edward A. Westcott Jr., provided an address for sending memorials to the Lutheran Church of Nigeria (LCN) Seminary Student Scholarship Fund.
Due to the difficulty and expense of cashing U.S. checks overseas and the unreliable nature of mail service in Nigeria, LCMS World Mission asks that memorials for LCN seminary students be sent to LCMS World Mission, 1333 S. Kirkwood Road, St. Louis, MO 63122-7295 (make checks payable to "LCMS World Mission" and mark the memo line "Westcott Memorial-60500").
Westcott memorials also may be sent to Lutheran Blind Mission, 7550 Watson Road, St. Louis, MO 63119-4409.
If you have questions or comments about this LCMSNews release, contact Joe Isenhower Jr. at joe.isenhower@lcms.org <mailto:joe.isenhower@lcms.org> or (314) 996-1231, or Paula Schlueter Ross at paula.ross@lcms.org <mailto:paula.ross@lcms.org> or (314) 996-1230.
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