Episcopal News Service Thursday, September 21, 2006
Reminder: Applications invited for position of Executive Director, Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society
October 2 filing deadline nears
[ENS] The Presiding Bishop-elect, the Rt. Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori, announced September 6 the call for applicants for the position of an Executive Director to serve as Vice President of the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society (DFMS) and to manage the operations of the Episcopal Church (TEC). Application filing deadline is October 2.
Full information about the position and application process is listed in the following document titled "A Call to Serve."
The selected applicant will be appointed by the Presiding Bishop-elect to succeed Patricia C. Mordecai, who has announced her retirement later this year after more than eight years of service in this capacity.
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An Invitation to Apply for the Position of Executive Director
Canon 4 Sec. 3(d): The Presiding Bishop shall appoint, with the advice and consent of a majority of the Executive Council, an executive director, who shall be an adult confirmed communicant in good standing or a member of the clergy of this Church in good standing who shall be the chief operating officer and who shall serve at the pleasure of the Presiding Bishop and be accountable to the Presiding Bishop.
Canon 3, Article III: Of the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society The officers of the Society shall be a President, Vice President, a Secretary, a Treasurer and such other officers as may be appointed in accordance with the Canons or By-Laws. The Presiding Bishop of the Church shall be the President of the Society; one Vice President shall be the person who is President of the House of Deputies; and one Vice President shall be the person who is the executive director.
Section 2. Executive Council By-Laws
The Chair shall appoint, with the advice and consent of a majority of the Executive Council, an Executive Director to be the chief operating officer, with voice but no vote at all meetings of the Council. The Executive Director shall be, ex officio, a Vice President of the Society. The Executive Director shall serve at the pleasure of the Chair and perform such duties as may be prescribed by the Canons or assigned by the Chair.
The life and work of the Episcopal Church begins in local congregations, expands across dioceses, and extends into global Anglican relationships. Together, as the body of Christ, we worship and work for God's kingdom to come, trusting in the Holy Spirit to guide us.
The Presiding Bishop-elect of The Episcopal Church, the Rt. Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori, announces a call for an Executive Director serve as a Vice President of the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society (DFMS) and to manage the operations of The Episcopal Church (TEC). The Presiding Bishop-elect seeks an Executive Director to share in and take responsibility for the careful stewardship and operation of TEC and DFMS. The headquarters and dispersed staff of TEC support the pastoral and missionary leadership of the Presiding Bishop and the actions of General Convention.
The Executive Director will be selected in the fall of 2006 and will begin service as soon thereafter as possible. This search and the mandate to achieve and orderly and effective transition have the highest priority.
APPLICATION PROCESS Please send a cover letter indicating your interest in the position and the gifts and skills you would bring to the position, your resume (including the experience that qualifies you for this position), and the names and telephone numbers of three professional references to:
The Rev. Canon Robert M. Nelson, Jr.
Diocese of Nevada
6135 Harrison Drive, Suite 1
Las Vegas, Nevada 89120-4076
or by electronic mail to nelsonrk@ix.netcom.com, or by fax, "Attention: R. Nelson," at 702-737-6488.
Applications must be received by 5:00 p.m. on October 2, 2006.
* Directs and manages the operations of TEC at the Episcopal Church Center and its field offices, ensuring the effective and efficient fulfillment of the plans and actions of the General Convention, Executive Council, and the Presiding Bishop.
* As one Vice President of DFMS, she/he performs the legal and fiduciary responsibilities required of this position.
* Oversees the Management Team composed of the primary mission (program) and corporate/canonical supervisory staff. Oversight includes design and implementation of supervisor's performance review and evaluation.
* Convenes, prepares the agenda, and meets regularly with the Management Team to coordinate efforts and support for ongoing programs and initiatives in response to General Convention, the Executive Council, and the Presiding Bishop.
* With the Chief Financial Officer, General Convention Executive Officer and Director of Mission, leads and directs the annual and triennial program, and corporate/canonical budget planning process and the creation of annual and triennial draft budgets to support the program and corporate/canonical mission of The Episcopal Church.
* Advises the Presiding Bishop and Executive Council on organizational and management issues; serves as a Vice President of the DFMS and serves with voice on Executive Council.
* With the Chief Financial Officer, monitors monthly statement of operations and budget reports.
* Oversees the evaluation of the capacity and effectiveness of management systems, structures, procedures, and communication processes.
* Oversees and approves the work of Human Resources in hiring, compensation, performance management, and employee relations.
* Oversees the work of Management Information Systems in providing essential IT equipment and support for all staff in collaboration with the web technology services team.
* Oversees the direction of facilities management, including renovation projects.
* Works regularly with internal and external legal counsel in all matters affecting personnel, internal policies and procedures, renovation, leasing and building issues
* Serves as an ex officio member of the Episcopal Relief & Development (ERD) Board and the ERD Executive Committee; serves as the corporate treasurer of ERD.
* Participates regularly in meetings of the Interdenominational Executives Group.
* Extensive experience in organizational management, multiple staff management, fiscal management, and facilities management
* Experience in strategic planning and goal setting; capabilities in developing realistic action plans while being sensitive to time restraints and resource availability
* Ability to take action in solving problems while exhibiting judgment and realistic understanding of issues
* A demonstrated collaborative management style
* Proven abilities in team-building
* Excellent skills in verbal and written communication; experienced public speaker
* Demonstrated understanding of systems with the ability to navigate multiple networks
* Abilities in conflict identification, management and resolution
* Demonstrated awareness of the polity, governance, culture, and traditions of The Episcopal Church
* Strong abilities in building working relationships with individuals and groups
* Ability to effectively serve a multi-class, multi-cultural, multi-ethnic, multi-lingual Church that is international in scope
* Has participated in anti-racism training as mandated by General Convention
* An adult confirmed communicant in good standing or a member of the clergy of this Church in good standing
- The Rev. Canon Robert M. Nelson, Jr., Chair, Canon to the Ordinary, Diocese of Nevada - The Rt. Rev. David Andrés Álvarez*, Bishop of the Diocese of Puerto Rico - Ms. Bonnie Anderson*, President of the House of Deputies - The Rev. Dr. James H. Cooper, Rector, Trinity Church, New York - Mr. Vincent Currie, Jr., Diocesan Administrator, Diocese of Central Gulf Coast - The Rev. Canon Carlson Gerdau, Canon to the Primate and Presiding Bishop - The Rev. Gay C. Jennings*, Associate Director, CREDO Institute, Inc. - The Rt. Rev. Chester L. Talton, Bishop Suffragan of the Diocese of Los Angeles
* Denotes Member of Executive Council
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