October 7-8, 14-15, 2006
The Let Justice Roll Living Wage Campaign, a fast-growing partnership initiated by the National Council of Churches USA and now includes more than 80 faith, labor and community groups working to raise the minimum wage at the state and federal level, invites you to join us in Living Wage Days worship services and community events in October. We hope you will join us.
Last January, over the Martin Luther King Holiday Weekend, Let Justice Roll sponsored hundreds of Living Wage Days services and events across the country, including Arkansas, Massachusetts, Michigan, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and West Virginia, where campaigns have already led to legislation increasing state minimum wages.
Now, it's time to take nationwide action again with Let Justice Roll Living Wage Days services and events to inspire, educate and mobilize support for raising the minimum wage at the federal and state level.
Legislative efforts to raise the federal minimum wage are gaining strength and a growing number of states have minimum wage campaigns, including six states with ballot initiatives coming to a vote this November: Arizona, Colorado, Missouri, Montana, Nevada and Ohio.
We hope that you will host or co-host a Let Justice Roll Living Wage Day worship service or event during the weekend of either October 7-8 or October 14-15.
We have a variety of resources available at www.letjusticeroll.org to help you prepare for Living Wage Days, including:
-- The newly revised and updated "Resources for Living Wage Worship Services and Community Events."
-- "A Just Minimum Wage: Good for Workers, Business and Our Future." You can download the PDF and/or order perfect bound hard copies at discounts of 25% to 40% for distribution at Living Wage Days and other events.
-- The interactive "Just Neighbors" Toolkit, designed to educate and empower congregations about poverty and wages, is being offered at discount for Let Justice Roll.
Please let us know if you are planning to host or co-host a Living Wage Days event.
You can sign up for Living Wage Days at
For more information, please contact:
Rev. Paul Sherry Coordinator Let Justice Roll Living Wage Campaign 700 Prospect Ave. Cleveland, Ohio 44115 Phone: 216-736-3710 Fax: 216-736-3703 Email: psher973@aol.com www.letjusticeroll.org
Rev. Stephen Copley 6701 J.F.K. Blvd. North Little Rock, AR 72116 Phone: 501-771-9243 Email: SCopley438@aol.com
Latest NCC News at www.councilofchurches.org
NCC News contact: Rev. Dan Webster, 212.870.2252, NCCnews@ncccusa.org