Episcopal News Service Monday, October 2, 2006
San Joaquin diocese to consider constitutional amendments severing relationship with the Episcopal Church
By Mary Frances Schjonberg
[ENS] The Diocese of San Joaquin's December 1-2 convention will be asked to consider constitutional amendments that would "place the Diocese of San Joaquin in an ideal position to be part of any ecclesiastical structure that the Archbishop of Canterbury and Primates might design," according to a statement posted on the diocese's website (http://sanjoaquin.anglican.org/about_us.htm) October 1.
The 13 amendments or additions are intended "with appropriate consultation (e.g. Archbishop of Canterbury/Primates of the Anglican Communion) to transfer all relationships and communion from ECUSA to an Anglican Province to be determined at a Special Convention called by the Bishop of San Joaquin," the statement said.
The proposed changes do not affect "the Apostolic teaching and practice of the Episcopal Church that it received by being part of the Anglican Communion" but rather "perpetuate the historic Faith of the Church in a time when these things are being challenged by others," according to the diocese's website.
The changes include, among other things, striking references to the Episcopal Church, its canons and its General Convention, and changing the qualifications for certain office holders from "communicant(s) in good standing" to "voting member(s) of a Parish or Mission."
Under the canons of the Episcopal Church, dioceses are designated and recognized by the General Convention.
Full story: http://www.episcopalchurch.org/3577_78309_ENG_HTM.htm
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