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06501 October 5, 2006
Jan Opdyke resigns as mission initiative director
Atlanta elder and Associate Campaign Director David York to lead $40 million campaign during final phase
by Jerry Van Marter
LOUISVILLE * Citing the need to limit her travel in order to care for her ailing mother, Jan Opdyke has resigned as director of the five-year $40 million Mission Initiative: Joining Hearts and Hands (MIJHH) campaign.
Opdyke, who since January 2004 has headed the campaign to raise funds for new churches in this country and for more Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) overseas mission personnel, will conclude her work Oct. 27.
Linda Valentine, executive director of the General Assembly Council, accepted Opdyke's resignation with regret. "Jan brought tremendous energy and gifts to this work," she said, "not the least of which was assembling a fantastic team to carry forward the ministry of Joining Hearts & Hands. This campaign is critical to the life of the church, and we are committed to its continuation."
Valentine has named MIJHH Associate Director David York, to assume leadership of the campaign as it enters its final phase.
Valentine cited York's dedication, fundraising acumen and knowledge of the PC(USA) as key factors in her choice. "David York is a leader who serves the church with enthusiasm and dedication," she said. "He will help the denomination create new avenues of funding for new congregations and new mission personnel."
York, an elder at First Presbyterian Church in Atlanta, has been associate director of the campaign since October of 2004. He is the former director of development at Johnson C. Smith Seminary in Atlanta and is a retired school administrator for the Atlanta school system.
The campaign, which is scheduled to conclude at the end of 2007, has raised $25.5 million of its goal.
During last week's General Assembly Council meeting, Opdyke said the campaign needs an infusion of $500,000 to pay for its remaining operating expenses. The campaign was designed to be self-supporting at this point, but Opdyke told the council that not enough unrestricted contributions have been received to meet operating expenses, which run about $780,000 annually.
In a statement to the PC(USA), Opdyke wrote, "As strong as my call has been to serve God through Joining Hearts & Hands, I now find that my call to honor my family must take precedence.
"I have confidence that the campaign will conclude successfully. Joining Hearts & Hands is a call to all Presbyterians to use their God-given resources to tell of the saving grace of Jesus Christ * at home and around the world. We have many differences, but one core purpose * to share the Gospel. I will continue to work towards that end in my congregation and in my presbytery."
Opdyke resides in Redlands, CA, and is a commissioned lay associate pastor at Community Presbyterian Church there.
MIJHH co-chairs Joanna Adams of Atlanta and David Peterson of Houston said in a prepared statement that while they grieved Opdyke's departure because she "embodied the vision of Joining Hearts & Hands," she has left in place a strong staff, who will advance the campaign in its final phase.
"Joining Hearts & Hands is one of the most important things the Presbyterian Church (USA) is doing today," they said. "It is a bright light in these challenging days."
In addition to York, the campaign retains three employees: Emily Odom serves as associate director for communications, Patrice Paton as consultant for major individual and congregational gifts, and Becca Snipp as administrative assistant.
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