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06517 October 12, 2006
Uncollectible GA per capita creeps up
Budget still balanced as 80% pay in full, Kirkpatrick says
by Jerry Van Marter
LOUISVILLE - Uncollectible General Assembly per capita is projected to exceed $400,000 for the first time in more than a decade, the Committee on the Office of the General Assembly (COGA) was told today (Oct. 12).
Office of the General Assembly financial officer Christopher Nicholas said uncollectible per capita payments for 2005 now stand at $430,000 "with a maximum of about $10,000 expected to be received by the end of the year."
The uncollectible amount equals about 3 percent of the total GA per capita billed to the presbyteries for last year. The actual uncollected amount in 2004 was $270,000.
COGA budgets $350,000 annually to cover uncollectible per capita.
General Assembly Stated Clerk Clifton Kirkpatrick noted that 80 percent of the PC(USA)'s 173 presbyteries have paid their 2005 per capita apportionment "in full" and eight of the 37 presbyteries in arrears owe less than $1,000.
He cited three reasons for the underpayments:
10 presbyteries have reported that a few of their churches are withholding per capita as a form of protest;
two presbyteries have informed him that they are experiencing severe financial difficulties that makes payment of per capita problematic; and
25 presbyteries are underpaying because they only remit what they receive from their churches.
As in past years, Kirkpatick said, "withholding is concentrated in two synods - Trinity and South Atlantic."
Kirkpatrick told COGA that "we're basically on target with income and expenditures and we should have a balanced budget by the end of the year."
Underspending on the expense side usually overcomes shortfalls on the income side of the per capita budget, Kirkpatrick said, 'but as we tighten our budgets, we can't look forward to much more underspending."
COGA members made plans to personally contact each presbytery that has paid in full, thanking them for their support. "Payment of per capita is a shared issue," Kirkpatrick said, "and we have a good relationship with our presbyteries."
Top 10 presbyteries in unpaid per capita (dollar basis)
1. Beaver-Butler $ 44,574 2. San Diego $ 40,166 3. Central Florida $ 38,316 4. Peace River $ 31,777 5. Hanmi $ 29,456 6. Foothills $ 28,117 7. East Tennessee $ 21,058 8. Shenango $ 19,144 9. Philadelphia $ 18,071 10. Western New York $ 17,021
Top 10 presbyteries in unpaid per capita (% unpaid basis)
1. Dakota 100% 2. San Juan 100% 3. Hanmi 98.9% 4. Atlantic Korean 62.4% 5. Beaver-Butler 50% 6. San Diego 38.8% 7. Mississippi 33.7% 8. San Joaquin 27.1% 9. Lackawanna 25.4% 10. Peace River 25.3%
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