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[ENS] Robert Fitzpatrick elected as fifth Episcopal bishop of Hawai'i

From "Matthew Davies" <>
Date Sat, 21 Oct 2006 12:21:59 -0400

Episcopal News Service October 21, 2006

Robert Fitzpatrick elected as fifth Episcopal bishop of Hawai'i

[ENS] -- The Rev. Canon Robert L. Fitzpatrick was elected October 20 to be the fifth bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Hawai'i.

Fitzpatrick, 47, canon to the ordinary in Hawai'i, was elected out of a field of six nominees on the ninth ballot. He was elected with 87 lay votes and 42 clergy votes. An election on that ballot required 83 votes out of a total of 165 cast in the lay order and 35 of 68 in the clergy order.

The election took place in St. Andrew's Cathedral in Honolulu on the first day of the diocese's annual two-day convention.

Fitzpatrick will succeed Bishop Richard S. O. Chang, who turns 65 on November 30. Chang intends to remain in office until his successor is consecrated March 10, 2007. Fitzpatrick is expected to take up duties as the Bishop-elect in January 2007.

Fitzpatrick taught as a Volunteer for Mission at Trinity Theological College in Umuahia, Nigeria. He was the assistant to the rector at St. Peter's Church, Morristown, New Jersey, from 1986 to 1990. From 1990 to 2000, he served as rector of Grace Episcopal Church in Fort Wayne, Indiana. He has served on the boards of soup kitchens, homeless shelters, food banks and other organizations in New Jersey and Indiana. Fitzpatrick served on various diocesan boards and committees. He has chaired the Hawai'i deputation to General Convention twice and is currently on the board of Church Divinity School of the Pacific in Berkeley, California.

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