Episcopal News Service October 26, 2006
More passes available for Presiding Bishop-elect's seating
[ENS] Washington National Cathedral announced October 26 that additional passes will be available for its All Saints' Sunday service November 5 during which Katharine Jefferts Schori will be seated in the Presiding Bishop's official chair at the cathedral.
The November 5 service will come the day after Jefferts Schori is officially "invested" as the 26th Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church at a service in the cathedral. Tickets for that service had to be requested via mail earlier and are no longer available.
The cathedral had previously required that people wanting to attend the November 5 service request the free passes in advance via mail. They were to be mailed out on a first-come, first-served basis. People who requested tickets in that manner have received them.
The cathedral has now announced that more passes would be available to the public beginning at 10 a.m. (EST) on November 5, an hour before the service begins, at the Cathedral's west front (Wisconsin Avenue side) on a first-come, first-served basis.
The November 4 service, which also begins at 11 a.m. (EST), will be webcast live at http://www.episcopalchurch.org, where a direct link to the webcast will be posted. The Cathedral will webcast the November 5, 11 a.m. (EST) service live at http://www.nationalcathedral.org.
Jefferts Schori will preside and preach at the November 5 service, which will include an array of musical offerings, prayers and dance. The Blindman brothers from the Diocese of Nevada will gather the assembly for worship with drums and chant. The Omega Dance Company of New York will call the congregation to prayer through sacred movement.
Performances by the Gospel Choir from the African Episcopal Church of St. Thomas in Philadelphia, Sandra Montes, SOL from Iglesia Episcopal San Mateo in Houston, and the combined choirs of Washington National Cathedral are also scheduled.
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