Episcopal News Service October 28, 2006
John L. Bauerschmidt elected as 11th bishop of Tennessee
By Mary Frances Schjonberg
[ENS] The Rev. John L Bauerschmidt, rector of Christ Church, Covington, in the Diocese of Louisiana, was elected October 28 to be the 11th bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Tennessee (http://www.episcopaldiocese-tn.org).
Bauerschmidt, 47, was elected out of a field of three nominees on the 12th ballot. He was elected with 93 of 128 votes cast in the lay order (72.7 percent) and 56 of 84 votes cast in the clergy order (67.7 percent). In Tennessee, both orders must cast two-thirds (66.7 percent) of their votes in favor of a single nominee on the same ballot.
The election took place at Christ Church Cathedral in Nashville, Tennessee.
Bauerschmidt will succeed Bishop Bertram Herlong, who turned 72 on October 16 and expects to retire later this year.
The election happened during the diocese's fourth attempt to choose a successor to Herlong. Results of the October 28 balloting are available at http://www.tnbishopsearch.org/election1028.html.
Bauerschmidt was born in Portsmouth, Virginia, while his father served in the United States Navy. He grew up in Columbia, South Carolina. He attended Kenyon College in Gambier, Ohio, from 1977-1981, during which time he began the ordination process in the Diocese of Upper South Carolina.
Bauerschmidt attended the General Theological Seminary from 1981-1984. In 1984, he was ordained deacon by Bishop William Beckham of Upper South Carolina and became the curate of All Saints' Church, Worcester, in the Diocese of Western Massachusetts. Beckham ordained him to the priesthood in 1985.
Full story and photograph: http://www.episcopalchurch.org/3577_79049_ENG_HTM.htm
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