About 200 young men and women gathered in the Evangelical Church of Azbakieh in Cairo, on October 17, to pray for peace. This ecumenical prayer was organized by the MECC Youth Program on the occasion of the World Day of Prayer for Peace, and was inspired by the warm and motivating atmosphere of the ecumenical youth work camp last August, and as a peaceful response to the war on Lebanon.
Church leaders from the different churches in Egypt reflected on the theme of the prayer. Mr Guirgis Saleh, MECC General Secretary forwarded a message on the occasion. For more information, kindly contact Mrs. Genevieve William at: jouna@link.net or www.meccyouth.org <http://www.meccyouth.org/
Middle East Council of Churches Office of International Ecumenical Relations P.O. Box 5376, Beirut, Lebanon
Guirgis Ibrahim Saleh, General Secretary
mecc@cyberia.net.lb or guirgissaleh@cyberia.net.lb
+961-1-353-938 http://www.mec-churches.org/