From the Worldwide Faith News archives

[ENS] 2007 calendars needed for Seafarers / Reflections on Reconciliation

From "Matthew Davies" <>
Date Tue, 31 Oct 2006 15:35:47 -0500

NewsLink, Serving the Episcopal Church

Daybook -- Today is Tuesday October 31, 2006.

* Today in Scripture: Daily Office meditation: * Today in Prayer: Anglican Cycle of Prayer: * Today in History: On this day in 1980, the U.S. Postal Service issued a Christmas stamp based on a stained glass window in Washington Cathedral. - - -

Diocesan Digest

VERMONT: Bishop calls diocese to continue 'this spirit of koinonia'

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2007 calendars needed for Seafarers

[ENS] The Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey is collecting and distributing 2007 calendars to seafarers. Episcopalians are encouraged to save 2007 calendars they receive in the mail or from local businesses. The Institute will collect these calendars -- from pocket to wall size -- from now until the end of January 2007.

"The monotony of life at sea can become unbearable. It is so easy for a seafarer to lose track of time and their connection to those of us on land. A calendar helps to link them to events at home and enables them to create a diary of their travels," said the Rev. Andy Moore, director of SCI's International Seafarers' Center in Port Newark.

According to Debra A. Wagner, director of communications for Seamen's, the 2006 appeal for calendars netted "calendars from all over the country."

Calendars should be mailed to: The Rev. Andy Moore, director; Seamen's Church Institute's, International Seafarers' Center 118 Export Street, Port Newark, NJ 07114.

The Seamen's Church Institute's mission is to advance the personal, professional, and spiritual well being of mariners worldwide. Established in 1834, it is an ecumenical agency affiliated with the Episcopal Church.

To learn more about SCI, visit

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Catalyst: Catalyst: "I Have Called You Friends: Reflections on Reconciliation in Honor of Frank T. Griswold" from Cowley Publications, edited by Barbara Braver, 277 pages, hardcover, $24.95

[Source: Cowley Publications] Throughout his nine-year term as Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church, Frank T. Griswold has taught about reconciliation: conversation, conversion, communion -- all grounded in Jesus meeting us in all our particularities and isolation and calling us into the ever greater friendship of the Holy Spirit.

It seemed natural, then, that a book of essays in honor of the Presiding Bishop at the end of his term should take reconciliation as its theme. Each of the contributors -- church leaders from all over the globe -- focuses in his or her own way on reconciliation and our participation in what God has already accomplished through Christ.

I Have Called You Friends is a proper and loving fit to a man who has served as the overseer of the Episcopal Church, as a teacher and a friend. But it is more than that. It is an enterprise in theological reflection on a vital topic for citizens of the twenty-first century.

To order: Episcopal Books and Resources online at or call 800-903-5544.

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