GREEK ORTHODOX ARCHDIOCESE OF AMERICA 8-10 East 79th St. New York, NY 10021 Tel: (212) 570-3530 Fax: (212) 774-0215 Web: Email:
Greek Orthodox Archdiocese E-Bulletin November 3, 2006
This is the weekly edition of the GOA E-Bulletin. For more information just click on the links below to go to the topics of interest to you.
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THE CHILDRENâ??S BIBLE READER - coordinated by the Archdiocese, the Metropolis of Detroit, the American Bible Society and the Greek Bible Society. The Childrenâ??s Bible Reader is a new and breathtakingly beautiful arrangement of classic Bible stories from the Old and New Testaments. Carefully translated from the Greek, the stories are enhanced by original art that mirrors ancient Byzantine iconography from the earliest centuries of Christianity. These traditional stories are retold in age-appropriate language while retaining the timeless lessons of the Bible. This volume is destined to become any childâ??s favorite Bible story book! The Reader can be ordered through
2007 STEWARDSHIP MATERIALS AVAILABLE: Resources for your parishâ??s 2007 Stewardship Campaign are now available online. The theme is â??The Miracle of the Loaves and the Fish.â?? Visit the site for forms, sermons, PowerPoint presentations, and much more.
RESERVE GREETINGS IN OBSERVER DECEMBER ISSUE: The December issue of the ORTHODOX OBSERVER will include a Christmas and New Yearâ??s greeting section. Include a personal message from you, your community or organization celebrating the occasion of our Lordâ??s Holy Birth and the beginning of a New Year. Your participation will assist the Archdiocese in covering the publication costs of the ORTHODOX OBSERVER. Contact Steve Hantzarides at 212-774-0230,, for more information.
FAMILY OUTREACH SUNDAY: The Department of Outreach & Evangelism announces the Second Annual Family Outreach Sunday. This program encourages active parishioners to invite inactive family members and Orthodox Christian friends for a special day of fellowship and spiritual renewal. Family Outreach Sunday has been developed in cooperation with the Ladies Philoptochos Society and the Center for Family Care at Saint Basil Academy. All parishes are encouraged to choose a Family Outreach Sunday in November that best fits their parish calendar. Updated materials are available on the Outreach website at, or by calling the Department of Outreach & Evangelism at 646-519-6160.
NEW ISSUE OF THE ORTHODOX OBSERVER: The September issue of the Orthodox Observer is now available online. Visit the Observer web site for the latest issue and archives.
NEW CHILDRENS' BIBLE AVAILABLE FROM THE DEPT. OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: "The Bible for Young People" is now available for children, ages pre-K to 14! Translated from the original Greek by Fr. Spencer Kezios, this beautifully illustrated Bible contains stories for young readers from both the Old and the New Testament. The stories, theologically Orthodox, are written in a fascinating style that will keep the interest of the very young, to whom they can be read, or for those up to age 14. A great addition to any Orthodox parish or childrenâ??s home library! Hard cover, 162 pages, $17.50. Please call the Department of Religious Education at 800-566-1088 to place orders.
NEW ORATORICAL FESTIVAL RESOURCES: The Department of Religious Education has posted the 2007 St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival Topics. Visit the website to download the topics and festival manual so that you can plan for your parish oratorical festival. (Topic Tips and Bibliography will be available soon.)
ORDER THE 2006-07 PLANNER: Orders are now being taken for the 2006-07 Planner published by the Dept. of Youth and Young Adult Ministries. The Planner is available in both book and PDA formats and includes daily scripture readings, Saints, prayers, readings from the Fathers and much more. Download an order form at