Episcopal News Service November 03, 2006
Episcopal Majority meets, affirms reconciliation
By Pat McCaughan
[ENS, Washington, D.C.] -- Getting organized and "waging reconciliation" was on the agenda as the newly created Episcopal Majority met for the first time November 3 to become advocates for a moderate voice within the Anglican Communion.
"We need to wage reconciliation, to constantly work for dialogue and conversation, reaching out and touching others who are different than us," Bishop Jon Bruno of Los Angeles told the gathering during a keynote address frequently interrupted by appreciative applause.
Bruno quoted Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori, on the eve of her investiture: "At our meeting at Kanuga, Katharine told a story about how whales come to the breeding ground, singing one song, but they go away singing a new and different song because they've listened and heard what each other sang."
The national gathering was planned to coincide with Jefferts Schori's November 4 investiture. She did not attend the gathering "but sent us her blessing and said we have her support and that this is an important meeting," the Rev. David Fly, an event organizer from Missouri, told the audience.
Fly said he and others organized the Episcopal Majority to give voice to the "broad middle majority" of Episcopalians who agree with the church and the direction it has taken regarding issues of human sexuality as well as Jefferts Schori's election as primate.
About 150 participants from 46 dioceses, including several network dioceses, attended workshops on the Anglican covenant, how to communicate with one another, how to be a reconciling force amid the changing landscape of the Anglican Communion, and legal issues arising from the conflict within the church.
Full story: http://www.episcopalchurch.org/3577_79209_ENG_HTM.htm
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