Episcopal News Service Saturday, November 4
International guests bring global context to Jefferts Schori's investiture
Archbishop of Canterbury sends greeting and prayers
By Matthew Davies
[ENS] -- International guests, including five Primates and several Anglican and ecumenical leaders, journeyed to Washington National Cathedral November 4, bringing an intercontinental flavor to the historic investiture of the Most Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori as the 26th Presiding Bishop and Primate of the Episcopal Church.
Among the regions and countries represented were Australia, Brazil, Canada, Central America, England, Japan, Mexico, Pakistan, Scotland, Southern Africa and Tanzania.
More than 30 ecumenical and interfaith guests also participated in the two-hour liturgy.
Representing the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Rowan Williams, was Bishop John Saxbee of Lincoln, Church of England. The Rev. Canon Kenneth Kearon, secretary general of the Anglican Communion, was also in attendance.
In a message read by Saxbee during the service, Williams sent his prayers and best wishes "to Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori on the historic occasion of the inauguration as Presiding Bishop. She will take on this responsibility in the most challenging times, but she will be supported by the good will and prayers of very many in the USA and around the world as she strives to lead faithfully, honestly and collaboratively. I pray that she will daily know the love and mercy of God in Jesus Christ as the foundation of all she does, so that this reality will radiate from her ministry and her witness. With my love and blessing, Rowan."
The Most Rev. Mauricio J.A. de Andrade, Archbishop of the Anglican Church of Brazil, described the investiture as "an emblematic moment" for the Anglican Communion.
Jefferts Schori "is a very open and sensitive person," he said, "and I hope that the Anglican Communion will live this historical moment and adjust its focus to the mission of the church."
Andrade looks forward to an opportunity to welcome Jefferts Schori to Brazil where, in 2005, the Anglican Church celebrated 20 years of the ordination of women. "The Church in Brazil is waiting to welcome her with open arms," he said.
Andrade acknowledged his support for Jefferts Schori's commitment to the United Nations' Millennium Development Goals, and upheld them as "a special priority for the Church right now."
Full story and photograph: http://www.episcopalchurch.org/3577_79260_ENG_HTM.htm
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