Episcopal News Service November 5, 2006
Local parishes accommodate young adults attending November 5 seating service
By Daphne Mack
[ENS] More than 30 young adults who arrived in Washington, D.C. to attend the November 5 formal seating of 26th Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori in Washington National Cathedral, were housed over night by St. Thomas Parish in Dupont Circle and St. Albans Episcopal Church.
The pilgrimage to Washington began as a conversation between Thom Chu, program director for Ministries with Young People at the Episcopal Church Center, and Dustin Cole, parish administrator at St. John's Episcopal Church in Georgetown, in the Washington, D.C. area, when they attended at the Young Adult Ministry Network Gathering in Denver, Colorado. As the November 4-5 weekend of services celebrating Jefferts Schori's investiture and seating at Washington National Cathedral neared, preparations began and the appeal went out.
"It has truly been a collaborative effort," said Cole, a parishioner at St. Thomas'. "A friend who works at the Cathedral secured a number of tickets. I then spoke with the vestry [at St. Thomas] and found space for people to sleep. Plus we have a bus from one of the women who runs the senior program to transport everyone to the Cathedral."
Full story and photograph: http://www.episcopalchurch.org/3577_79277_ENG_HTM.htm
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