Episcopal News Service November 6, 2006
DVD of Presiding Bishop's Investiture set for release by November 17
Investiture webcast archived; photo galleries online
[ENS] Complete footage of the historic investiture of the 26th Presiding Bishop, Katharine Jefferts Schori, on November 4, 2006, at Washington National Cathedral will be available on DVD no later than November 17 from Episcopal Books and Resources (EBaR) http://www.episcopalbookstore.org.
The DVD, which runs approximately 150 minutes, includes a brief commentary at the beginning followed by the full investiture service.
Full ordering information will be posted on the EBaR website as soon as possible. The cost will be $26 each, which includes shipping and handling. A per-copy discount may apply for orders of multiple copies.
Meanwhile, streaming video of the November 4 investiture service is now available online at http://www.episcopalchurch.org/investiture. Streaming video of the November 5 seating ceremony is available from Washington National Cathedral's website at http://www.cathedral.org/cathedral.
Photo galleries of both the investiture and formal seating services are available at http://www.episcopalchurch.org/3577_79210_ENG_HTM.htm and http://www.episcopalchurch.org/3577_79292_ENG_HTM.htm.
Episcopal News Service coverage of both services can be found at http://www.episcopalchurch.org/ens.htm
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