11.6.2006 LCMS News
November 6, 2006 .................... LCMSNews -- No. 75
CTCR OKs plans for consultations on 'Scriptural Relationship of Man, Woman'
The first of two consultations on "The Scriptural Relationship of Man and Woman" is expected to take place next month in St. Louis.
Plans for the consultations -- scheduled for Dec. 4-5 and April 16-17 -- were approved by the LCMS Commission on Theology and Church Relations (CTCR) when it met Sept. 21-22. The meeting was abbreviated because of the death of long-standing member Dr. Kurt Marquart.
The commission approved a process involving presentations and discussions designed to provide input as it works toward the completion of a comprehensive study of the Scriptural relationship of man and woman.
Eight men and eight women will participate in the consultations with CTCR members present. After the first consultation, the participants will be invited to provide follow-up observations.
According to Dr. David Lumpp, chairman of the CTCR subcommittee responsible for preparation of the plans, the first consultation will focus on "key questions that anyone who thinks theologically in the 21st century will need to address to give meaningful guidance to Christians regarding the relationship of man and woman." At the second consultation participants will respond to a proposal, prepared by the CTCR, regarding the completion of its assignment from the 1995 Synod convention.
The format is designed to give CTCR members the opportunity to ask or answer questions, but primarily they will be present to listen.
At the first consultation, Dr. Gilbert Meilaender of Valparaiso, Ind., a Christian ethicist and theology professor at Valparaiso University, will deliver the keynote presentation on "Men and Women in Christ." Dr. Gregory Lockwood, Highgate, Australia, a former CTCR member and now professor at the seminary of the Lutheran Church of Australia, will present "Biblical Insights on Men and Women in Christ." Dr. Barbara Brunworth, Garland, Texas, director of Lutheran Counseling Services, Inc., will speak on "Men and Women in the Contemporary Context: Selected Insights from the Social and Behavioral Sciences."
Serving as reactors will be Eva Rickmann, Downey, Calif., a deaconess serving as a missionary in Panama; Carolyn Schoenborn, Scappoose, Ore., an organizational management consultant; Dr. Mark Schuler, St. Paul, professor at Concordia University; and Dr. James Voelz, St. Louis, professor at Concordia Seminary.
Other participants in the consultations will be Dr. John Brunner, Amherst, N.Y, president of the Eastern District; Dr. Jean Garton, Benton, Ark., member of the LCMS Board of Directors; Dr. Debra Grime, St. Louis, an obstetrician/gynecologist; Gretchen Jameson, St. Peters, Mo., member of the LCMS youth ministry staff; Dr. John Johnson, River Forest, Ill., president of Concordia University Chicago; Rev. Glenn Lucas, Santa Clarita, Calif., director of training at the Center for U.S. Missions; Dr. Walter A. Maier III, Fort Wayne, associate professor at Concordia Theological Seminary; Marie Meyer, Bethel, Conn., formerly a member of the President's Commission on Women; and Linda Reiser, Grand Island, Neb., LWML president.
Dr. Loren Kramer, CTCR chairman, convened the meeting with a devotion in remembrance of Dr. Marquart, who had served on the commission for 22 years.
If you have questions or comments about this LCMSNews release, contact Joe Isenhower Jr. at joe.isenhower@lcms.org <mailto:joe.isenhower@lcms.org> or (314) 996-1231, or Paula Schlueter Ross at paula.ross@lcms.org <mailto:paula.ross@lcms.org> or (314) 996-1230.
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