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06577 November 7, 2006
Three Presbyterians elected to NCC posts
by Jerry Van Marter
ORLANDO, FL * Three Presbyterians were elected today (Nov. 7) by the General Assembly of the National Council of Churches of Christ in the USA (NCC) to complete unfinished terms on agencies of the country's largest ecumenical grouping.
Their terms will conclude at the end of the NCC's current quadrennium in December 2007.
Linda Valentine, executive director of the General Assembly Council, was elected as a delegate to the NCC's annual General Assembly. She is being represented at this meeting of the General Assembly, which runs from Nov. 7-10, by former PC(USA) General Assembly moderator Fahed Abu-Akel.
Joan Richardson was elected chairperson of the NCC's Inclusiveness and Justice Standing Committee. Richardson, who has been serving as the committee's vice-chair, is manager of the PC(USA)'s General Assembly Committee on Representation in the Office of the General Assembly.
Patricia Chapman, associate director of the PC(USA)'s Justice and Compassion Program Area, was elected to the NCC's Justice and Advocacy Commission.
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