11.8.2006 LCMS News
Nov. 8, 2006 .................... LCMSNews -- No. 76
Registration remains open for Gathering beyond Nov. 8 'priority window' cutoff
Although a two-week priority window ends today (Nov. 8) for registrations for next year's LCMS National Youth Gathering, registrations will continue to be accepted.
"We want to assure those who still want to register for the Youth Gathering and the concurrent Adult Gathering that they can still do so beyond the priority window," said Gretchen Jameson, associate director for LCMS Youth Ministry -- Communications.
LCMS District and Congregational Services -- Youth Ministry is sponsor of the concurrent Gatherings, which are set for July 28-Aug. 1 in Orlando, Fla.
Those who register after Nov. 8 must complete the registration form and the all-participants signature form. The forms may be downloaded from the Web at http://lcmsgathering.com/Index.asp?PageID=3717. The forms also may be photocopied from pages 12-14 of the Gathering Registration Book, which was sent to each LCMS congregation in late August.
Jameson explained that the priority window was established "so that in case participant numbers were to reach capacity during the opening days of registration, there would be a strategy for how groups are admitted to the event."
Registration forms received during that two-week priority window are opened first as the registration office starts to process the registrations. Those whose registration material comes in during that time also receive priority attention in their requests for housing during the Gathering.
Jameson emphasized that Gathering registration remains open at the rate of $235 per participant until March 1, unless the Youth Gathering capacity of 35,000 and the Adult Gathering's 2,000-participant capacity are reached before that time. After March 1, participants are registered on a space-available basis for a late-registration fee of $285.
"Gathering registration never really closes, even when capacity is reached," Jameson said, adding that Youth Ministry expects "many cancellations, substitutions, and opportunities for groups to be placed at the event."
If you have questions or comments about this LCMSNews release, contact Joe Isenhower Jr. at joe.isenhower@lcms.org <mailto:joe.isenhower@lcms.org> or (314) 996-1231, or Paula Schlueter Ross at paula.ross@lcms.org <mailto:paula.ross@lcms.org> or (314) 996-1230.
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