NewsLink, Serving the Episcopal Church
Daybook -- Today is Friday, November 10, 2006. The Church calendar remembers Leo the Great, Bishop of Rome (400-461)
* Today in Scripture: Daily Office meditation: * Today in Prayer: Anglican Cycle of Prayer: *Today in History: On this day 1901, the Diocese of Western Massachusetts was officially recognized at the organizing convention, and committees for the new diocese were appointed.
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U2charist to air on ABC's Nightline
[ENS] The national news show Nightline filmed the November 3 "U2charist" that was held at All Saints Church, Briarcliff Manor, in the Episcopal Diocese of New York.
The service will be aired on Nightline on Friday, November 10, at 11:30 p.m.
Nightline also interviewed the rector, the Rev. Tim Schenck, as well as people who participated in the service.
The U2charist, which rallies around the Millennium Development Goals and the ONE Campaign, features the music of the Irish rock band U2 and its lead singer, Bono.
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Multimedia: Brian Grieves on the Towards Effective Anglican Mission conference
[ENS] The "Towards Effective Anglican Mission" (TEAM) conference, meeting in Boxburg, South Africa, March 7-14, 2007, will bring together representatives from the worldwide Anglican Communion to focus on issues of poverty and AIDS and to enhance current initiatives in social outreach work to achieve the United Nations' Millennium Development Goals.
The Rev. Canon Brian Grieves, director of Peace and Justice Ministries and a TEAM planning committee member, spoke with Episcopal News Service about the importance of the conference, which is being hosted by Archbishop Njongonkulu Ndungane of the Anglican Church of Southern Africa.
"What's so important about this [conference] is that instead of a few provinces addressing this issue, we are calling together the whole Communion, and that is what can really generate a holistic response that has a real chance to achieve something very significant in the life and mission of our Church," Grieves said. "That's what's exciting to me -- that we're doing it together."
Video and audio streams of Grieves' interview are available at Full text:
An earlier ENS article about the TEAM conference is available at _ _ _
Catalyst: "Encountering Christ: An Intergenerational Faith Experience" from Morehouse Publishing, by Ronald Molrine, 141 pages, paperback, $24.95
[Source: Morehouse Publishing] -- Encountering Christ: An Intergenerational Faith Experience is an easy-to-use, theologically sound, Episcopal-oriented course of study containing 14 active, experiential sessions. Group activities, simulations, values and self-esteem exercises, audio-visual presentations, and reflection periods lead each participant through an experience of faith formation. Such an experience may lead to Confirmation, reaffirmation of faith, or reception into the Episcopal Church.
To order: Episcopal Books and Resources online at or call 800-903-5544.
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