Title: ELCA Synod Bishop to Preach Nov. 26 on 'Day 1' ELCA NEWS SERVICE
November 10, 2006
ELCA Synod Bishop to Preach Nov. 26 on 'Day 1' 06-168-JB
CHICAGO (ELCA) -- The Rev. Ronald B. Warren, bishop of the Southeastern Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), will preach Nov. 26 on "Day 1," a nationally broadcast radio program. "The Servant King with Scars" is the title of the sermon. Warren is to speak on what many churches observe as "Christ the King Sunday," the culmination of the Christian liturgical calendar.
The broadcast also includes a five-minute interview with Warren by the program's executive producer, Peter Wallace.
In his sermon, Warren called Jesus "a servant king."
"Jesus was not and is not a king who rules through raw power, greed and manipulation at the expense of others. He lived and modeled a far different style of leadership and life among his people. Jesus' reign is revealed in humility, self-emptying and service to others," Warren said.
Warren lives in Peachtree City, Ga. He has been bishop of the ELCA Southeastern Synod -- which includes ELCA congregations in Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi and Tennessee -- since 1995. He is a graduate of Capital University, Columbus, Ohio, and holds a master of divinity degree from Trinity Lutheran Seminary, Columbus, and a doctorate from the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago (LSTC). Capital University is one of 28 ELCA colleges and universities. Trinity and LSTC are two of eight ELCA seminaries.
"Day 1" has been broadcast every week for 61 years, winning numerous awards in the process, including the George Foster Peabody Award and the 2003 Crystal Award for Excellence in inspirational radio. It is produced by the Alliance for Christian Media in association with the ELCA, Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, the Episcopal Church, the United Methodist Church, the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and the United Church of Christ.
"Day 1" broadcasts are also available by streaming audio and podcast at http://www.Day1.net on the Web. A television version is broadcast Sunday mornings on the Hallmark Channel's "Naomi's New Morning" series.
For information contact:
John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or news@elca.org http://www.elca.org/news ELCA News Blog: http://www.elca.org/news/blog